
Some retailers will take pre orders, even though the phone is not out now.

You an request that the papers are not public until the release date. For example, the iPhone 5 may already be certified but the FCC will not make it published until the day Apple says s.

Amazon is paying for it. You think AT&T is letting all those Kindle 3G devices use their network for free?

Except these are Samsung owned factories. Apple doesn't own any factories and was not as severe as these factories.

I like the headphone jack at the bottom. It would go along with the iPod touch and numerous Android phones. For me it is also better since every time I put my phone in my pocket I put it with the top down.

My guess is that in a few weeks you'll be able to get them for 99cents on ebay.

Your comment makes no sense. With iOS 6 you cannot access the UDID from an app any longer. If you are running an older version of iOS then you can just upgrade to iOS 6 for free. If your device cannot upgrade to iOS 6, then any apps that were updated to support iOS 6 will not have access to your UDID, even if you are

With iOS 6 you cannot get access to the UDID. The UDID still doesn't really do anything for the consumer. It is a way for Apple to track development devices and developers used to use it as a way to register a phone with a person which is a no no. That is why they removed it as an API.

Oh yes they know about it, it was on the news for days. NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and even local stations like WNBC, News 12, NY1, and so on.

They will show off a final version of iOS 6. Release the GM seed to developers and give us a hard date of when the software update will come out.

I said it gave way, not broke. The straps were tied at the top. It looks like the clamp or whatever was holding it became loose and created more slack and causing the yacht to go forward.

I don't know about in real life, but in the video it looks like my fat ass would make a bigger wave than that yacht.

To me, it looked like the front strap gave way which caused it to go forward.

I was just taking with some friends about doing this. Good thing we didn't.

No, you would still have to go to a cash register to pay.

We have that in the US too. My SuperMarket has them. They also added an iPhone and android app that does the same exact thing as what Walmart wants to do.

I have gone 3 days without charging the battery in my iPad. Haven't had a problem. And the OP was taking about laptops not tablets. Different things.

Best Buy got rid of their restocking fees a long time ago.

Yet, Steve Jobs was known to drive a silver Mercedes SL55 AMG.

From my experience the shared data plans from AT&T are perfect for my needs. I just switched the other day to it. I was originally going to go with the 6GB plan which would have been $5 less than what I was paying before. But I decided to go with the 10GB which is $210 vs $200 that I was paying before. Plus for some