
Or... Tomorrow Belongs to Me!!! 

A tiny park with such a dangerous reputation, Action Park’s legacy has spawned not just a feature film but now this documentary...

I think it’s telling that the current Jez staff appears to know every contestant in the Bachelor franchise and all the personal details of the “waitstaff” from Bravo spin-offs yet seem largely unfamiliar with three very successful female actor/producer/directors who are all highly regarded for their work.

If this were one of those “Car Crime” articles on Jalopnik, and I was presented with a grainy photo of the above car, I would have thought it was one of these:

Velma was based on an actress named Sheila James Kuehl who was in a television series called The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. It’s a largely forgotten sitcom that’s best remembered for being the first television specifically targeted at teenagers, starring a pre-Gilligan’s Island Bob Denver, and establishing that thing

Happy Bastille Day, everyone!

> Pride was started by black trans women.

Maybe when Pence hears mask, he thinks of this?

Anti-science behavior deserves anti-science healthcare. Once they get sick they’re entitled to all the colloidal silver and vitamin C they can afford from Alex Jones.

Yes, though if you are using a digital one make sure you are only covering the tip as it’ll mess with the type of plastic most of the shells for thermometers are made of.

It’s been awhile since I have seen Paris is Burning, but I never got the impression that it isa portrait of queer POC interfacing with the harsh realities of white patriarchy”

“At this point, it seems like people will be debating this movie—and the ethics of a white filmmaker capturing and commodifying a world to which she was an outsider—until the end of time.

Sorry, but I will never feel the same way about vegan cheese that I do about these thighs and I’m fine with that!

The minute you put your seat back you’re the dick. The end. 

RE: Jim Carrey

Can you please list the actors in order of appearance so I know who is who. Thanks, I care JUST enough but not that much 

What if the mid-century stuff you have aren't knock-offs but originals from the 50ies carefully collected over years?

I disagree. I’m not on Twitter and even if I were I wouldn’t follow Trump. But I think it was important to read what was coming out of his tiny thumbs.

They should never have the opportunity to wipe this away...”