You know who was in the original?
You know who was in the original?
You will also not be considered for copy editor at this time.
No. Clooney started on The Facts of Life.
He lost me at “Air force Trump.”
“Typically symbolizes female anatomy...”? GTFO
That’s true. But I tend to recall some pretty epic shows that still cost around 25 bucks for decent seats back in the day.
The difference is that kids now tend not to buy a whole album. They pick and choose songs off the album they like and leave the rest unpurchased. You didn’t used to be able to do that.... for better or for worse.
He needed moar....moar powah.
Ticket prices for big shows are ridiculous compared to 20 years ago. What’s changed since then? MUCH fewer people actually paying for albums with on-line thievery being de rigueur. The only way these artists can reclaim that lost revenue is to charge a fee for the one thing they can control.... You getting a…
I..... Um... I’m so old money that I.... I remember it way back when it was Staad.... You know..... Before all that new money poured in and added that horrible G. Um..... Gotta go now! Time for apres ski!
Ew. Aspen? Clearly new money. Have these people never heard of Staad?
He was all amped up for a murder. He didn’t expect watt happened next.
I was hoping more Dolores Claiborne....
Worked with John Ritter once. He was one of my comedy heroes. He was as nice as could be, if that helps.
Pursuit of sodomy IS my pursuit of happiness, you asshole!
Pretty much! Maxine Waters is not here for your bullshit!