Zoidberg MD

I enjoyed his show, greatly respect Mr Rogers and think that the world would be a better place if more people followed his example and died in 2003.

Politics Corner - Another Immigration Edition. Cutting immigration levels is antithetical to American values and interests. Facing the retirement of the baby boomer generation, we must continue growing our population or face devastating demographic realities that will slash the safety net for the largely white older

I’m sure Breitbart will be thrilled to have you back.

Bye, Felicia

When I was a young music critic, the first article I ever had rejected was a review of one of Train’s early albums. I basically said it was terrible, but the band would probably succeed anyway because they were perfect for shitty corporate radio. My editor said, “I’m not going to run this one. I don’t really want to

Photograph isn’t good but if you change the lyrics to “Look at this tiny cat” and sing it at cats it’s fun.

I’m not young, nor am I a “blogger.” I’m an Eisner-winning comics journalist that went to grad school to write about the history of Batman. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean you get to invalidate me or project your insecurities onto me.

And the one tiny bit of cable we saw, a big-game version of ‘House Hunters’ was a pretty great cherry on top.

The darkest memory for me was definitely burying the corpse of Santa Clause. Jeez, I was not prepared for that one.

  1. Bill Clinton’s mean job approval rating, 1st quarter 1993 through 1st quarter, 1999 was 53.8

RIP Ass Dan

Damn shame Ass Dan won’t be at the march

Dude, You’re getting a Delegate.

She tried to, but she choked; she tried to also get away, but she stumbled.

I’m gonna type you a story whether you want to read it or not. Ha-HA!

Old AV Club comments section:

“Dreamers are 12.5 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives with the same socioeconomic characteristics. The average DACA beneficiary is 22 years old, is employed, and earns about $17 an hour. Projecting from that, Ike Brannon calculates that they contribute $215 billion to the economy annually. Meanwhile,

Politics Corner - It’s DACA Decision Eve edition. Multiple thoroughly sourced reports indicate Trump is planning to announce an end to DACA tomorrow, with a 6 month delay to give Congress an opportunity to extend it through legislation. Given that 70% of Americans support DACA, and many prominent GOP legislators have