Zoidberg MD

There should be no need for private donations. The job of FEMA and The Federal Government as a whole is to handle situations like this. The fact that it cannot explains why we need to eliminate all deductions, tax all income (not just wages), and make the rate for over 1 million 65%.

Paint a white stripe down the back of the feral cat. The skunk will mistake it for a lady skunk and fall madly in love with it. It will hop daintily toward and cat and begin kissing its arm. While the skunk is distracted, club it with a shovel.  

Harryhausen hand animates them.

Now if they’d only take it off the air in the US.

Old Testament God: I’m gonna send plagues, dare old men to kill their sons, flood the whole damn world, and set these twin cities on fire! FUCK YOU ADAM AND EVE I TOLD Y’ALL TO NOT EAT THAT APPLE!

We don’t have to take our clothes off
To have a good time
Oh no
We could dance and party all night
And drink some cherry wine, oh

He’d walk on water and GTFO of Texas.

There is no way a church that big is doing jack shit for the lives of anyone in the congregation. If your pastor doesn’t know your name, your church sucks.

I’m not sure about ghosts, but if demons aren’t real, how do you explain Ann Coulter?

Haha, no worries. I agree with you, to be clear, and the “fan service” charge is one that I find very little real merit in. If the narrative has laid the track to specific events or moments, it’s OK to get to the destination, even if fans have been expecting it. In this day and age, very few possible endings will go

Moreover, the book prophecy just says he will draw it from the fire—as if it already exists somewhere.

There’s something to be said about the show’s somewhat consistent cynicism with the way systems maintain power structures unfairly. The Tyrion example is part of this: sure, he got a trial, and sure, he got a trial by combat, but in the end, all that means is that he got an unfair predetermined farce of a trial

In retrospect, the uncertainty on the wall was that she was just about to betray someone she was close to. He is the only character to have gone through the whole series with her. He did bail her out in the Battle of the Bastards and did bring her an army. She had to be worried whether she could pull this off and keep

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something?

He’s a zombie dragon. Who gives a shit about the logic of him being able to breathe fire?

Previews before one episode this season include very early flashback that Littlefinger was in. Me forgot there was time when he not sound like Irish Batman.

Isn’t a futurist version of Victorian London just present-day London?

A sad day for Summer School’s gorehounds Francis “Chainsaw” Gremp and Dave Frazier.

Whoa ... I think we just had a reasonable discussion exchange.