
The Donphan variants are called Great Tusk and Iron Treads

Blizzard has a history of not really reporting the right numbers.  For years they would report active accounts (meaning ones that hadn’t been deleted, but maybe weren’t still subbed) when reporting their playerbase for World of Warcraft.  I never trust it when Blizzard says they have an amount of active players.

Apparently you can’t read, or you’d have seen I mentioned that it was only for very rare circumstances we were allowed to do this, and it involved a process that required EVERYTHING be returned, including the CD Key, which was sent back to the company for them to disable that key’s license.  Granted, not every company

While correct, you’re ignoring a major aspect of their being different races in medieval Europe: population size. There may have been as many as tens of thousands of non-white people there at that time... compared to a population of tens to hundreds of millions of white people. Many of the populace could go their

As someone who was a manager at a Gamestop, I can tell you we absolutely took back PC games when there was an issue that made it unplayable such as this lockout. Everything would be required to be returned, including the CD-Key, which when it was sent back to the actual company with reporting it as defective, would

Steam is the marketplace.  When you get a product from a retailer, you don’t usually go to the manufacturer of a malfunctioning product, you go to the retailer.  Period.  Digital sales are no exception.

Star Ocean: The Second Story? Hell yeah.
Parasite Eve Remake? Hell Yeah.
The Bouncer? Please, I’m already out of money with the first two... but HELL YEAH.
Dragon Quest less tedious? Nah, it’s fine where it is.
Remake Xenogears? Why do you hate my wallet? HELL YEAH
Forget Xenogears?  No, just fix the mistakes and finish

DQ9 was a multiplayer entry on the DS, while DQ10 was the MMO exclusive to Japan. They just recently released an offline versions so people could play through the story while not needing to pay a sub to access.

Oh, I agree it should be an option. I’m just saying they’re not likely to do it, and having that be the major reason you won’t play a game from a series you enjoyed prior is asinine. The games are still good, and there are still plenty of challenges to them if you don’t keep the same team constantly or wait to collect

I don’t unless there’s a gathered group of enemies, and I still stop casting it to make sure my party is healed.  Not all of us are one button murder bots queuing as Green DPS.

Regarding the “Can’t play every character” they are 100% accurate from a point of view. If you didn’t play own OW1 and aren’t willing to pay $40, you don’t have access to every character immediately, and need to play a decent amount to get access to them. On top of that, for future battle passes, you will have to pay

At no point did Jerykk’s comment warrant being outright insulted, especially with vulgar language. You can disagree with someone’s stances on jobs and pay and such without such a vitriolic reaction, just as I’m responding to you right now.

As someone who mainly healed in World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm, I’m surprised... that people still haven’t realized how toxic the community is towards their healers. DPS die because they stood in the fire for a 2% increase in their damage? Healer’s fault for not shielding and healing them through it all.

I hate to break it to you, but if EXP Share being a permanent feature is going to stop you from playing, you will most likely never play a Pokemon game again.  Its a standard feature now, and they rarely remove QoL features like this.

I’ll reiterate my previous statement: You can not be anti-abortion, a stance he ran his campaign on and continues to advocate for, and care a damn about women.  Taking away their bodily autonomy and consigning them to significant health risks and financial burden is a sign of hatred and the wish to control people, not

I mean, Ethan dies in the first game we get him in, and are dealing with a mold replica of him throughout the entire rest of that game and its sequel. Up until that point where he dies, he doesn’t really do much other than try to find out where his wife is and if she’s even still alive to warrant such distaste from

No, that isn’t odd. Its a perfectly natural reaction to ignore people who do stupid stuff like that... until it becomes threatening to someone. This person can suffer sitting out of a tournament for their actions... maybe they’ll learn

I guarantee he knew exactly what it was and didn’t care.  You can’t be anti-abortion and care about women at the same time.

Nice victim blaming there. It wasn’t the lack of helmet that killed this rider... it was injuries sustained from being hit by a speeding vehicle driven by a drunk person. If they’d been walking, they still would be dead. The Scooter isn’t to blame, which is the point of this article.

I mean, I’ll buy a weapon charm after I get all the character skins I care about... so never, at the rate that skins will actually be obtainable without spending actual money.  OW2 might be a great example of how not to do free to play.