
Ahh yes, the “Everyone is breaking the rules, so no one should be punished for it” defense.  Simple rule, if you’re going for something that involves recognition and attention like a World First, don’t use a third party program to do it.  Earn it legitimately.

I mean, its not a defect, its an intended design.  The encounter is designed with a specific amount of visibility available, extending your camera further out is effectively the same as wallhacking: you are using a third party program to see stuff you aren’t supposed to see at the same time.

Yeah, I was gonna bring up the travesty that was G-Saviour.  Luckily CG has improved immensely since then, and this should have an actual budget this time.  Also, we might actually get decent screen time for the mobile suits themselves, because I remember that being an issue with G-Saviour as well... well, that and

Piet is actually in FFVIII as well, as an officer/scientist in the region of Esthar.

The problem has plagued The Callisto Protocol, Persona 3 and 4, and HBO’s The Last of Us television show, as TheGamer points out.

I was honestly looking forward to it, but the marketing has done a fantastic job of making the character seem very obnoxious and the overall feel of it kind of middling. I tried the demo and it was mediocre at best, which is especially worrying for me.

I mean, its been slightly different in every iteration, and I would honestly say that Mystery Inc is not just the best version of it, but also really good in general.  This new show... not so much.

I have sound clips from the animated version of this on my phone.  Particularly Adachi’s “Who wants to talk about MURDERS!?!”

It wasn’t that it confirmed where he lived (they had his mansion address on file).  It confirmed that he was there at that time.  He’d been out of the country for a while avoiding being brought in on a number of charges, if I recall correctly.

How about “just saying” less crap then?  She’s talking about other people purposefully and knowingly sharing pictures without the consent of the subject of said pictures when they are sexual in nature.  It sounds like you’re trying to claim that she has no ground in this because she “had an accident on stream”, as if

It has actually evolved a LOT since then.  If you have a chance to try it, I’d say give Monster Hunter Rise a chance.  There is a ton of mobility and variety changes on top of significant QoL changes, especially compared to the PS2 games.

Love your name being a representation for two anime I love, before we get into this.

It actually isn’t.  Anything that remotely incites violence on another individual (as most hate speech does) loses the protections of the First Amendment.  While the Government can’t do anything against non-violent hate speech, everyone else can.  If found out, it can cost the bigot their job, their home, all types of

That’s part of the problem though. Who decides how much a person involves themselves with the hobby allows them to use the title? There’s no consistent amount that people would be willing to agree with. No matter what, if you state that a certain amount of involvement, or certain titles, doesn’t count, you are

Oh, I completely agree with that.  However, rushing him once he was there would have been the wrong move unless he made a threatening move.

Yes, you are gate keeping.  Are they playing a game?  Then yes, they’re gamers.

While true you initially said Turn Based JRPG, the point is that JRPG isn’t just turn based. You literally exclude a bunch of great titles from the SNES and Playstation libraries by sticking to the assumption that it only includes turn based. Whether you like it or not, the phrase has evolved to include other combat

The J in “JRPG” literally means Japanese. You’re thinking of “Turn based RPG”.

FFXVI is over six months away, and the director hasn’t said shit about the game being bland, he said its back to the older Fantasy type setting compared to all of the modern shit that got heavily focused on starting in FFVII. I will probably enjoy the hell out of it instead of being whiny about a game which barely

Not everything has to evolve, and not everything has to remain stagnant either. Final Fantasy is the series that Square Enix has fun messing around with, they have for years. Its the reasons why each game brings its own systems into place, and this has been a thing since Final Fantasy 2 where they changed how you got