
And neither of those times did it disable an entire third of the roster from being playable.  The issues people are having aren’t with the stuff like disabling a character to fix them... its that these actions keep having massive issues come along with them that keep people from playing this game.

If they didn’t already have my money, they would not be getting my money. The best I can do is refuse to play their game (which I enjoy) until they make concerted effort to fix things.

Sounds less like Ghost of Tsushima did anything wrong, but you didn’t want to play Ghost of Tsushima. GoT was presented to everyone as a game that took place in a particular era of Japan’s history while trying to be as accurate to that era as possible. All of your complaints deal with it being fairly historically

I mean, he’s heavily involved in planning the attack which got the Death Star plans... literally without his involvement, that wouldn’t have happened...

I also want the publisher (well, more just one individual in the chain) to not get money from this purchase.  Anything I do to help fill Randy Pitchford’s wallet makes me feel ill.

As a reminder: Both Bayonetta and Tetris had difficulty selections.  Using them to argue that other games shouldn’t defeats your argument.

“Its ok that Sony is being the badguy because MS did it before!”

“I don’t like games having difficulty options” are saying they don’t want the choice to be there. The choice being there does NOTHING if they chose not to engage it. The choice NOT being there affects everyone else who would have engaged with said options... so its gatekeeping. Who the hell are YOU to dictate whether

It reminds me of how the difficulty options in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Ghost of Tsushima changed combat from being soulslike to being akin to Action Combat games.  I loved it, because as I’ve gotten older, my reflexes have diminished to the point where I often mistime my dodges or blocks/parries, but those

Having an option does not make a game worse.  That’s gatekeeping.  You’re saying that if someone can’t keep up with the difficulty YOU are comfortable with, they shouldn’t be allowed to play the game.  Other people having the choice to lower or raise difficulty has no effect what so ever on the difficulty you play on.

You are spot on.  Allow these people to grieve, for however long it takes.  I hope everyone at Kotaku will find a happy memory of him to hold onto in these trying times.

I mean, there aren’t that many that are exclusive to the Xbox system and not on PC... unlike Sony’s that remain exclusive on Playstation systems until they get pestered enough to see a port of them... several which had severe bugs that rendered some unplayable.

These are the people who think because the game launches with timed exclusivity on the EGS, that Epic is anti-consumer.  Nevermind all of the games that were made exclusive to release from Steam back in the day when it was starting out, such that they were told not to sell digital copies anywhere else.  They will

Yes, a lot of us are trying to do it without the bloodshed. Capitalism is a vile presence, and its very hard to get out from under of once it is as established as it is.

I mean, if any Skyrim mod promotes homophobia and eliminates anything that promotes equality, then yes, they should be next...

Its only illegal if the law is enforced, and A LOT of studios have that rule in effect.  The problem is the employees more or less “agree” to it, so every time it’s brought to court the court sides with the company.

The leaked document was for Resident Evil Village, which was not an exclusive to Sony.  This is the example you are asking for: A contract that says they are not allowed to give Microsoft the right to put a non-system exclusive game on their subscription service for a length of time.

Except that Crunchyroll isn’t the one who actually bought Right Stuf.  It was Sony.  It’d be like saying that Crunchyroll bought Funimation... they didn’t.

I had no problem paying ten dollars for this game.  It has a lot of cute moments (have only played through the Spirit’s route so far), the humor may not have always worked but was better than the ILYCS (and wasn’t an advertisement).  To each their own.

Its a comedic game in the same vein (and by the same creators) as the KFC Dating Game... the fact that you people expected nudity or any serious relationships shows that none of you paid attention to any of the advanced stuff for this.  This is on you, not them.