Look, I understand that Crunchyroll might be a familiar name, but perhaps claiming that they bought Right Stuf is kind of misleading because it’s their parent company, Sony, which did it. Crunchyroll itself had little to do with this...
Look, I understand that Crunchyroll might be a familiar name, but perhaps claiming that they bought Right Stuf is kind of misleading because it’s their parent company, Sony, which did it. Crunchyroll itself had little to do with this...
Lacking Holocure, lacking love.
Um, the FFVI Pixel Remaster looks perfectly fine, and doesn’t have a blurry filter on it’s sprites. Are you perhaps thinking of the iOS game version?
If he refunds his purchase, everything that he got with that currency is locked out of use. Refunding it would only work for him if he plans on not playing anymore, period
You realize they literally have to have those in case someone uses it to do something illegal, like planning coups, murder, kidnapping, soliciting minors, etc. It protects them from the liability, because they say you aren’t allowed to use their software for that, so if someone does, the lawyers of the criminal can’t…
There’s nothing about this that should be illegal. As with every online game that has ever come out, you agree to a EULA/ToS for playing it. If you violate said agreement, you will get punished for it. Their ToS state not to harass others, not to use hate speech or slurs, etc. They’ve just changed how they’re going to…
Nah, Video Games are fine. Its E-sports that’s the mistake.
Sounds like you only did the first hour or so of game and are judging the entirety of it on that alone. Also, you’re allowed to have an opinion that runs contrary to most people, but everyone else is allowed to respond in a way you may not appreciate. Remember, sometimes if you don’t have anything nice to say, its…
We know that Saiyans canonically have two different sexes, effectively male and female. We’ve seen Goku’s (and by relation, Raditz’s) mother (Gine) and father (Bardock).
Yeah, I’m experiencing the same issue. It isn’t even listed as a Prime Benefit.
Yeah, I’m experiencing the same issue. It isn’t even listed as a Prime Benefit.
He is so Anti-NFT in games that it really prevents anything he’s working on including them. He has so much power in that company because of how he saved FFXIV and prevented them from going bankrupt AGAIN...
I mean, there is literally nothing preventing you from making a new trial account and playing it, and then deciding if you want to take the plunge and buy new licenses. You’re upset that SquareEnix added more into it but didn’t let you downgrade to a free account again.
The Free trial has had access to the entirety of ARR for years before the recent update to include Heavensward... hell, if you only own up to Heavensward, you haven’t played any new content in almost half a decade at least. That sounds like your choice to not play the game all this time. Seriously, you might be able…
That’s because the system architecture between the XB1 and the Series S/X are very close (incredibly similar to most Windows releases too). Sony changes things up every time, which is mostly the reason why Backwards Compatibility for them is so tough. If I recall correctly, it was stated that the Intermission DLC…
So, are you guys paid by Sony? You keep praising Playstation Plus and shitting on Gamepass, despite Gamepass being clearly a better deal. You do realize this game is available on PC as well, so its not a Playstation Exclusive...
Integrade is PS5 exclusive. They’ve never released it to PS4.
Explain how you have less access to FFXIV after buying it. Are you talking about the monthly sub? You literally had to choose to convert your Free to Play account (which had a lot of stuff unavailable due to progress restriction as well as community restriction) to a full account. If you’re whining about the…
Two reasons: They pull in money from Air Shows, so it provides a little more funding (though not much in the overall scheme).
The funniest thing about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was that their marketing for it was utter shit, and it seemed like they were intentionally trying to have it fail so that they could support their claim that single player games just weren’t popular anymore... instead, it succeeded amazingly well despite the lack…
Starting a war is a Republican strategy, not Democrat. Get your fucked up political party traits straight.