
It’s leopards. Comes from the fact that the Republican Party has been very big on attacking others that work for them the millisecond they think they’re being betrayed. The idea is some of the supporters are all for their party being vicious until it turns and bites them, as if watching a leopard eating people’s faces

If what I’ve heard about Quebec and this law are true, it is 100% about getting immigrants to not even consider moving there.  They are pretty much setting up the perfect “We don’t want immigrants but we want them to leave of their own volition” law.

There’s a BIG difference between streamer moderation and MMO moderation. There is NO excuse for someone who is doing community interaction and moderation to not get paid for what is an extremely stressful job.

Hey!  What did microtransaction whales ever do to you to deserve such slander?  You place that Republican Senator back in the trash bin where it belongs!

You’re right, since no one you personally know is aware of it, it must not exist... Nevermind, you’re not worth conversing with.

“So, should alcohol be regulated out of existence? It is far, FAR more harmful than F2P games, from a global perspective, and ruins exponentially more lives.”

I’m simply pointing out that there are a lot of people that think they need to spread a disease. It has nothing to do with our society in which people are afraid to call in work for anything short of being in their deathbed. Both can exist at the same time and not impact each other.

There is literally a superstition that a lot of people believe that the best way to get rid of a cold is to pass it on to someone else.

So, shut down completely, or give up on making money period. They’re a business, and if failing to be 100% perfect on preventing people from misusing their product was reason to shut stuff down, nothing would exist. Terrible idea.

Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle are perfect for a joint tour.  Both started off punching up in their comedy and had some amazing specials in the past, only to currently attack down at people, get attacked for it, then pretend they are 100% blameless.  I hope their tour bombs financially and critically.  Knock them both

I mean, you do understand that Twitter, Facebook and other platforms ALSO rely on people reporting stuff, right? Those still are full of hate groups that plan terrible things, still used for communication between people who commit atrocities, and only recently put stuff into place to try and stop misinformation from

You don’t punish someone for not doing something yet. You have to wait til they actually DO something, otherwise you’re just a bully yourself.

Discord isn’t a social media platform. Its a program that allows people to create servers where people can ‘gather’. The moderation is up to the server’s administrator (the one who created the server as well as any person who’s role has been granted mod privileges). If someone is being an asshole in the server, report

Discord is the tool, not the issue. The issue are the assholes who use it and bully/harrass others. There are plenty of great Discord servers, and I use one as a way to keep a small group of High School friends who all wandered off over a decade ago connected with each other.

FFO:Stranger of Paradise (assuming that’s what you’re referring to by Origins) was designed to be similar to Nioh 2's combat system.  I doubt it was connected in any way to the creation of FFXVI’s combat system. 

Dying probably doesn’t reset it, since you don’t technically “rest” when you respawn. 

That was me when I was much younger, taken skeet shooting.  They didn’t have to tell me not to point the gun at anyone (I was not raised around guns, FYI), because I understood that guns are exceptionally dangerous.  Even though they were ok with me carrying the gun around (unloaded with the gun hinged so people could

While I understand where you are coming from, and what your actual point is, these are also the lines of the people who are preventing ANY Gun Control Legislation from getting passed. The attitude is “Gun Control Laws won’t prevent ALL of the Mass Shootings, so therefor we should do ANY Gun Control Laws.”

For Sexual Orientation, how do you put numerical values on all of the different options?  You have Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, Demisexual, and more that exist that I can’t list off the top of my head.  You can’t really place those properly on a 1-10/0-9 scale for measuring “diversity”. 

He seems confused as to why people are trying to prevent unwanted touching in acting when he used to get away with it before.  Just because things used to work that way, doesn’t mean they still do, and its his responsibility to follow the rules like everyone else.  This isn’t about his age, but his refusal to adapt