Thank you for posting the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at the end of this article. More people need to be aware it exists, and this month I hope to see it pop up more often. It’s saved my life.
Thank you for posting the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at the end of this article. More people need to be aware it exists, and this month I hope to see it pop up more often. It’s saved my life.
If you go based on the screenshots alone, then yeah, this article is bonkers. If you watch the video they have there that the screenshots are from, that guy seems to be rubber-banding on a game server and has to keep running past Strange.
Most of the stuff in this change will be rolled back after sufficient backlash, but at least one thing will stick as way of their “compromise”, meaning they win, everyone else loses.
Some of the higher end streamers I watch regularly run ads so that people joining the stream don’t have preroll ads. That’s including Gassy Mexican (quoted above in the Article), CrReaM and BurkeBlack (all three of them are part of the same team). Preroll ads suck and if I’m channel hopping to figure out what I want…
Besides what others pointed out about Miller’s gender, the word “they” has been used for singular reference for centuries, its not something new. It is English, you just don’t know the language like you think you do.
The first character pack is already out, and the second pack comes out next month. They’ve already tapped into Mando.
To be fair, they’ve had a habit of the first DLC being about this size and releasing very soon after the core game launched, even all the way back to the first Borderlands. Called The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned, it was even advertised on the back of the instruction manual.
That would explain why I never knew about them. I refused to buy cards that unlocked stuff, so I ignored the existence of them.
I did forget about the original Castlevania collection they released, so that is one point in favor towards the list potentially being real. Also, I do not recall Mario 3 on the GBA having extra content (and plain forgot that Yoshi’s Island did).
And much like the Constitution, it can be changed when it is proven to be outdated and failing for the majority of the country.
The tweet with the list is pretty unbelievable for a number of reasons. First off, you have three titles that are available in collections made by their respective companies (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Circle of the Moon are both available in the Castlevania: GBA Collection released by Konami, and Megaman Zero 3…
Mother 3 will NEVER get released in the US. It has way too much obvious music issues with licensing (far worse than Mother 2 did, which all had to be edited for a US release). They would have to almost COMPLETELY redo the OST, which they’ll never put that much work into for a system like the current classics.
Once again a Republican that doesn’t understand that Land doesn’t vote. The most populous regions of the country vote Blue reliably. All of the “Red” regions are vast swaths of land populated by significantly less land.
Oh look, the party which constantly complains about being canceled for the bigotry they spout and whine about how their “Free Speech” is being tread upon is threatening that their enemies (other Americans, but not really if you don’t think exactly like them) will be afraid to speak...
Its less about the game as a game and more of what it was as a cultural piece that elevated it among its brethren. In most games, the story is a pure piece of fiction devoid of any real connection to the world itself. Even Assassin Creed games that touch upon historical events twist them to fit into their 100%…
Ahh yes, the concept of “May as well imprison every [INSERT GROUP HERE] because they too might do be as bad as the worst in their group”. While I get you’re probably being sarcastic, the comment is pretty much the epitome of prejudice.
I mean, he made an unscripted joke that poked fun at a woman suffering from a disease... it’s in poor taste to do on live TV, and while I agree that Will Smith should not have struck him, he definitely is not innocent of what happened.
Were it not for the fact that Randy Pitchford is still the CEO of Gearbox I would have had this preordered from the day it was available... but I refuse to allow that monster to make a cent off of me.
I mean, they asked if it was one of the places that was recently becoming a hotbed of white supremacy groups. That’s not saying that everyone in the state is racist, but that racist groups are focusing on building up a presence there.