
It's just a luxury that we can't afford right now

Woman: I'm really sick of men being treated by men like x.

WOW! Thanks for the laugh, that sounds awful.

Yeah, my response to the sexist way men treat me is sooooo sexist.

Lol, great news for both of us! Thankfully, the issue isn't that I'm sexually assaulted on airplanes, but that men by and large (hence the "generally" rather than "universal" designation) assume that the entire armrest, the 6" of space over the armrest that extends over my seat, the 2" of space in between my shoulder

Thanks for being the exception that proves the rule!

As a woman, I am totally fine with this. Men are generally assholes when it comes to seat politics.

Yesterday, I saw a picture on facebook that still has my reeling.

I honestly don't remember if I told anyone else. I'm all about the Santa free house (fun fact, my SO is also Jewish and neither of us is religious). I don't understand the point of Santa, really. It seems weird to put so much effort into fun traditions only to give all the credit to a phantom (perhaps this explains

At 7, I said to my dad, "Look, I've been thinking. You say Santa came when you were little, and when Grandma and Grandpa were little, and when their parents were little, but all grandparents' parents are dead. That means Santa's either dead or not real." Instead of telling me Santa is magic (which seems like a real

Let's take a moment to acknowledge that it is an affront to human dignity as well as to the natural-born right of autonomous perception, to imply (or worse yet, believe) that you can actually be "shamed" by an idiot.

All barriers to voting including, but not limited to, 2 step registration processes, requiring voter ID, limited polling places, limited polling hours, voting on a Tuesday, and no early voting, disproportionately affect the poor, the young and have historically been implemented to prevent voting among these

That's the wrong question to be asking. A better one is, who benefits from preventing same day voter registration?

Go fuck yourself. Happy?

I don't really give a shit about whether Jon Stewart votes or not, but he missed a pretty good opportunity to lampoon difficulties to voting in this country. For example, not only does NJ not have same day voting registration, but you have to register to vote a full 21 days prior to an election, which is straight up

It strikes me that the "pro-life" agenda is is not merely one that advocates for the removal of autonomy, but goes further to actually enforce suffering. I wonder if shifting the debate away from a dichotomy of "choice" and towards a discussion of sadism would have traction.

Much to my parents chagrin, the money they gave me for book fares always went directly to Scary Stories (even when they told me not to—what are they gonna do, punish me by not giving me money to buy books?! ). Turns out, they were pretty educational. I learned:

Legally, an engagement ring is unique among gifts one might receive in a relationship. All other gifts are kept upon separation. However, an engagement ring is not actually considered a gift, but is instead given in "anticipation of marriage," and should that marriage not commence, the ring is returned to the

DISAGREE. My better list:

Someone needs to say it: Fuck registries.