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What the hell awful kind of auto focus is that?!

One possible answer to your question is that the questions within a category tend to have a "flow" to them. Sometimes it takes players a few questions to "get" a category. Sometimes there are a limited quantity of answers (e.g. colors), and answering the easier questions narrows the possibilities for the harder

Ugh, I've always disliked WA films because they're all some variation of defending moral relativism. And while life doesn't always imitate art, in this case it seems that his life and life's work are dedicated to defending the indefensible (all while vilifying those who would dare to judge).

Hahaha, I thought the pic of Guy Fieri following the reference to the Bieb's dad was supposed to be the joke. It's a good one, so I'll continue to pretend it was intended.

It's true cookie dough is a meta flavor in general, but might I suggest that the cookies and cream flavored oreo is even more meta in the particular?

I had a hard time with the set-up for this story. It read to me as an attempt to absolve the victim of any kind of agency that unsettled me. To be clear, she was victimized, but not by everyone.

Wait, doesn't Khloe have infertility issues? I guess maybe this means that it was Lamar, or that she got in vitro, or that she isn't preggo at all (most likely, I'm guessing)

Here's the good news: As someone who's graded AP exams for the past 5 years, I can assure you that AP exams are just a straight hustle.

I'm much more upset about the Beib's attempt at facial hair than I am about his coke habit. *shrugs*

I don't know what you mean by "usually," but the new figure skating scoring system implemented in 2005 does favor technical skill over artistry, and is a real problem for a lot of skaters of both genders whose talent lies more in the latter. [Christian Science Moniter]

Perhaps. But it also seems to be the case that Nagasu has been consistently underscored because her style is more artistic and less technically proficient, and given the newer, more technically rigorous scoring system in figure skating, Wagner has a better chance of medaling (which is, to me, the real crime). [NYTime

Fun fact: The old figure skating scoring system was crazy because a full 1/2 of the score came from "artistry" (e.g. costume, music, etc.), and encouraged judges to show up at skaters practices and tell them to change their outfit or music, etc, to fit their own personal taste.

I don't have a data that directly answers your question, but I'm not convinced factoring out the top 1% (and bottom 1% for parity) would be statistically significant. Here's a map that shows gender inequality by state. The most unequal states, are also among the poorest, and the wealthiest states (where the super

God, they all look terrible!

Why is this even a story? That's a baby looking like a baby—cute as hell.

Here's an important way that polygamy is different from homosexuality: it's not a sexual identity. It, unlike homosexuality, polygamy really is a lifestyle choice. The husband and wives (in the classical religious model) decide to accept "The Principle of Plural Marriage." This decision means that the wives

I read the read-up first and went into the clip for hat-watching, but came out on Farrah's side. Those other bitches clearly have some serious issues too, and even if the books seem oppositional, she actually makes a good point: she does porn and she's a parent (who is a Christian), so she's writing about those two

Arg! Where was this last year!?