
Uh, thank you for reading every story before me today and saying the exact things I'm thinking. The celebration of violence in this country (perpetrated by the state or private companies the state outsources to) is fucking disgusting. Full stop.

Agree. That this is the way it looks with moderation only demonstrates the severity of the problem.

I visited my OBGYN when I was 16 because I had debilitating cramps. It turns out I have endometriosis, but we didn't find this out for years because her response was to sigh, then tell me she'd give me a shot. It turned out to be Depo provera, which had just gained FDA approval and was still given in 1-year doses

Just to clarify my objection, its that the title is a pun on "the morning after pill" (by adding an "ow" to it), not that it uses the term "morning after".

It's not "The Morning After" that's the problem. It's "The Morning After Pill(ow)" that is.

I hadn't thought about it like that. As in, "this is the men's version of a morning after pill." I just thought it was an idiotic/insensitive pun. Your indictment is much more severe. I kind of like it.

Totally agree, the morning after has always applied to sex, and it's the phrase used by the morning after pill itself.

Uhhhh, the inflatable chest is, the "Morning After Pillow." Ha ha, unplanned pregnancy and the increasingly unattainable drugs to prevent it are so funny!

I read it as, "Is your husband going to surprise you with jewelry or murder," not rape.

Also, that's clearly a ring box.

I suppose not, but I think part of my resistance to this nomenclature is that even though it uses a qualifier which implicitly criticizes patriarchy, it also implicitly accepts its legitimacy. And so it winds up being a dialogue internal to an inherently unequal model rather than a counter to it (i.e. less patriarchal

Well put.

Indigenous communities across North America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Hunter/gather (vs. agricultural) societies. Modern communal societies in Germany, Israel, Paris, Russia, and Venezuela.

That's simply factually and historically incorrect. It isn't a problem in matriarchal societies, and it's less of a problem in progressive countries with broad social services.

Which is only a problem created in and by patriarchal societies, which has nothing to do with evolution/nature, and everything to do with the forced subjugation of women.

It would be nice if were were provided with more of the statistic/methodology, and less of the editorializing, because w/o knowing the percentage of cheaters in the pictures presented, it's impossible to gauge the statistical significance. But the discrepancy b/w men and women (assuming same make-up of pictures) is

But none of them did before oral contraceptives (of which this is one) came on the market.


Lol, yes, that's precisely what I meant. Excellent comprehension skills. Did you hone them at the UK school in question?

They, and later a third teacher, argued that the class emphasized how the slave trade was largely “divorced from moral and social issues”, and that it had been taught for three years without objection.