
My mind is BLOWN! I generally don't understand percussive instruments, and am flummoxed by singing + instrumentation, and this combines both! How the fuck is this a *drinking* game?!

WTF!? Where's the follow-up footage from the Price is Right? I'm fucking emotionally invested now!

I can't for the life of me picture this, but am intrigued! If you see a pic on the net, would you post it?

Your questions lack some sensitivity, but you seem to have some genuine questions. Though African American was once the predominant term, and some people do prefer it, it has largely fallen out of fashion. One reason for this is that many people of color are not of African and/or American descent. For these reasons,

There are two things going one here, one of which I'm a bit more sympathetic to. It seems to me that the real problem is that many of these stylists seemed to have never even thought about the cutting non-anglo hair (Asian and some types of Latin hair, though different from black hair require their own subset of

Thanks for clearing that up, NPR. Those who saw the racism still do, and those that didn't still can't see it. That's some hard hitting journalism.

I'm a sucker for visualization, so here are some statistics mapped over the US. It almost leads you to think that these things are in some way related....

At least she'll never have to worry about parting her hair again.

Hi everyone, just to nip this in the bud—sorry for posting a link w/o checking out the rest of the site, which uses these historical events to suit their own ideological craziness.

My link was an unfortunate choice, but the facts of this story remain, regardless of ideological use. I already had this conversation with GammaBeta (which you're welcome to read), but to save you from having to read through that thread, here's my response when I realized the issue:

Ah yes, the irrefutable logic of ideology. Clearly, there is nothing to be done.

No problem, I should have been more selective. Let's be friends.

Lol, yes. Public records, US federal court transcripts, and independent research agencies are SUCH conspiracies! I mean obvs the US gov't always behaves in a completely transparent and ethical way, and would never get in bed with a corporation that had anything other than the genuine welfare of the world's women in

Damn. Y'all are fast!

Reasonable. Knowing the facts but needing a link, I just searched USAID Dalkon and scrolled through it to make sure it was the kind of thing I was looking for. I didn't check out the rest of the site, which is pretty awful.

Well put, thanks!

You've used the word "you" a lot in your response, but it isn't really clear to me how it is in any way a response to my post.

Don't you realize that Americans would positively gorge themselves on free healthcare?! Cause they're so stupid and greedy! And any idiot knows that expanding the market is the surest way to decrease efficiency and increase cost, ya commie bastard.

I listened to an interview with Mindy on WTF, and she tried to explain that despite her color and her family history, she often forgets that is her story because she she was raised in, and works in a group with a completely different cultural narrative. And it's this shared social narrative that she finds herself

This is the latest in a long string of shady population control distribution orchestrated by US NGO's and questionable birth control companies. Remember the Dalkon Shield? The largest tort case case since asbestos that caused injury and deformity in mothers and children? Well, USAID bought and distributed 700,000 un