
That's a really good point, and I'm glad you brought that up. Sadly, the FDA isn't confused about how Plan B works. Rather, the appointments to the bureaucratic departments of the federal government, once entirely neutral, have become increasingly politicized.

All rights, whether conceived of as negative or positive, require expression to be meaningful. Because we live in a society, expressing rights necessarily involves others. So does your right to life require me to keep you alive? If I am a doctor, yes.

At what point do these people get to be held accountable for being willfully ignorant and using that ignorance to harm other people?

That's a dangerous line of argument, because it essentially says that rights are exclusively conceptual. However, all rights are meaningless unless they can be fulfilled, this should be obvious without legal explanation. But if you're looking for some: Brown v. Board, Gideon v. Wainwright, Griswold v. Connecticut,

They consider a fetus a human being. True.

I can only imagine the screeds that people would write about how hopelessly "backwards", "uncivilized", and "savage" the non-Western world is, if this article took place in the Middle East or Central Africa.

A different point:

The problem is that your examples demonstrate moral stands against legal structures that violate legal principles of fairness, which is precisely the opposite of what these pharmacists are doing. That is, they're using the legal system to violate legal principles of fairness.

but investigators soon had reason to believe that they didn't belong to her

Ok, I haven't had cable for about 8 years. I have a roku player, and get my network TV over the air in the NYC area (which literally has 89 channels, of course only 40 of them are in English). Still, when I think of "cable", I think of TLC, FoodTV, A&E, Showtime, Comedy Central, etc.

Your welcome!

She's got the biggest cajones of them all, so that makes sense.

I've tried recipes for this that were specifically for steel cut oats, and left them in for 48 hours and they were still gross, hard, crunchy messes.

Whoopi has clearly smelt it.

Sherri through clenched teeth, "bitch, I will hip check you right out of this picture if you misbehave."

Agreed. And I'd have been much more sympathetic to the criticisms of the commercials if it started with this. The above point, that unhealthy eating habits are heavily subsidized and nearly inescapable for large portions of the population is a wholly different point than the first half of the post, which seems to

OMG, YES. My mother, mother-in-law, and Dissertation Chair all have the same first name, which has led to more than one embarrassing mix up. Luckily I haven't sent an email complaining about my the chair to the chair...yet.

"God never created us men to sword fight...

The parents will argue against changing the same-sex policy because: "...men should not hit women, under any circumstances."

Ruminant animals like cattle can eat all kinds of crap that chicken and hogs cannot safely ingest, and the starchy nutrients provided by candy, for example, offer a viable substitute to corn.