
"I'm a stay at home mom because I cannot find a job in my field"

Confused: You're 14?

What was a choice 30 years ago, is more of an imperative today. This isn't really a question of consumerism, but rather since real wages have stagnated while costs have increased, it actually takes two incomes to provide what one income could provide 30 years go

Here's the totally crazy part: she is. She's the CFO for a major attorneys group, which is amazing considering how incredibly stupid (and I really don't throw that word around) and irrational she is. She is incredibly callous and greedy too, so maybe everything just cancels out? Oh well, at least she was smart

Lol, I would wish shrimp choke on him before her (afterall, he's the asshole who moved the family to Texas to file for divorce in a state with no alimony), but you're not saying anything I haven't before.

The situation your friend finds herself in highlights the ways in which the intersection of capitalism and feminism really complicate this situation, and I'm glad you brought it up. Because you're right, the extreme of both parents harried and working and not paying attention to their kids is far from ideal also.

This happened to my mom too (except replace your 5 years with 20 years). Her life's been nothing but struggle, trying to provide for my two younger siblings. It's incredibly painful to see her working full time, with no retirement in sight, while pops has millions to spend on his new wife's body modification,

3rded. All the way back in 1898 (!) Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote Women and Economics – A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution, a radical work of feminism arguing that a relationship which is inherently unequal (i.e. man earns capital, woman does not) is inherently

and @porquemoi, et all.

Ouch. I think I may have done that. Well, not to a heavier person's face—that seems crazy. But if I see a heavier jogger, I will often say to whoever I'm walking with, "good for her." Should I not do this? I genuinely mean it.

Meh. I reject this conclusion. I'm not paying attention to the name, true, but that's because I'm spending my energy focusing on the substance of the conversation. I always remember the details of the conversation, but usually not the name. This seems a worthy trade off, because otherwise I'd be half listening and

What empathy problem?

I know anecdote != evidence, but the problem for me wasn't that "sports weren't cool." The problem is that even at very tender ages, I was already too body conscious to believe I could participate in them without suffering belittlement (from grown-ups) and teasing (from kids).

All growed uppie.

Oof. yes. Thanks!

US completely missed the story line about mary-kate olsen. It's not the cigarette that's shocking, it's her twinsie status with his daughter—same height, same weight, same hair, not to mention they're closer in age than her and Sarkozy....Not to mention Sarkozy looks like Danny Taylor.

My first thought upon reading this is: Go Malawi, woman leader, sexual equality.

Agree with everything said in this article and have thought it for a long time. That's why when I saw Portia's dress a few years ago I said to myself, "YES A HALTER!" and haven't looked back. It's sexy and avoids all the problems here (though might need an inventive bra situation).

FINALLY, something me and good ole Ricky agree on! Ok, so breakfast is #3 on my list. Pool is #1, free wifi is #2. Unless it's a business trip, then I reluctantly swap 1 and 2.

Wait a minute... there's a benefit to being starless?! I always heard that stardom brought new problems, but didn't believe it until this minute :)