
Wow, this article really struck a chord with all kinds of people who do one or more of these things and don't want to admit it's problematic.

I have stick straight hair, which shocks all of my childhood friends and (sometimes) relatives. That's because my mom permed my hair from ages 5-12, and insisted on regularly setting it in curlers for any event she thought necessary.

I've always been a fan of recipe rolodexes

Yeah, I thought commenting was only going to be down for a day or so while they implemented the new system. Maybe I just made that up in my mind because it makes a lot of sense.

Well if figuring out the transit is too overwhelming, I would say print out a google walking map and keep that as your backup so you have a definite plan. 4 miles can be a long walk for some, but it is definitely doable in under an hour at a totally reasonable pace. Bring a mp3 player or camera for company.

(thanks for the heads up!)

Any insights into WTF is going on over there at Gawker commenting? Annoymort.

You should probably get out of the house for a while, as you're just waiting to have your anxiety triggered. A good run would probably work wonders for destressing and tiring you out. A walk would also be good.

Edit: Moved to appropriate place!

You're totally right, and this is entirely related to the shrinking number of tenured positions as a result of relying on adjunct labor. Fewer spots = more competition between those vying for a position = downward pressure on wages with increased responsibility. :(

I think you're focus on "the math", is causing you to maybe miss the point.

What utensil said. For $75,000, you can hire 25 grad students to teach 25 classes. I realize that most tenured faculty teach a 2/2 load (4 classes a year), which would lower this number. However, tenured faculty also get course release, sabbatical, and much more than $75,000 by the end of their career, as $75,000 is

You're being very nice about this. I would be much more upset if my hubby didn't notice a) I was being ignored b) I was being dissed by people he hung out with.

ice creams.

Having suffered this problem, here is some advice:

I hear you, but this isn't a problem with the concept of tenure, but the politics behind what makes an academic a good candidate for tenure. Not always, but all too often, the ability of an academic to get funding or otherwise boost the image/reputation/cash flow to the school is valued over pedagogical practice.

I wouldn't be surprised if the politics of this case weren't entirely economic. There's been a steady war against tenure in the US (at all levels). Without exaggeration, the annual salary of a tenured faculty member can be used to hire 25 graduate students to teach the same classes.

I crossed paths with someone wearing the Kony 2012 action shirt yesterday, and it caught me by such surprise that I laughed (a bit too) loud before I realized it wasn't intended ironically, and I looked like a real a-hole.

In addition to the noted leopard pants, she's rocking red patent leather pumps.

First thought: "She went with Richard Pryor?"