
Dude, monkeys LOVE cats. What better argument do cat people need? Our closes animal ancestor hangs w/ cats too (not dogs).

Your reply cracked me up, in a very sad way.

Now playing

"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a U.S. Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe .v Wade has been the law for twenty years that we should sustain and support it. And I sustain and support that law and the right

Why do we need an expert to tell us that that statistic is ludicrous. Let's use our brains. 92 percent!? What a mind blowing statistic. Seems like such a mind blowing statistic, that people's own experience would obviously reveal that "HOLY SHIT EVERY WOMAN I KNOW IS UNEMPLOYED AND ALL THE MEN ARE EMPLOYED!!"

He should become a Democrat. The Democratic party pretty much straight represents Reagan era policies. In fact, this is Obama's new stump strategy, pointing out that the individual mandate, cap and trade, etc: were all conservative "market based" solutions to mutually recognized problems. And that his policies are

"families that make between $20,000 and $29,999 a year will spend more than $2,600, twice the national average, while wealthier families plan to spend between $700 and $1,000"

"bill that redefines a pregnancy as beginning at two weeks before conception"

ETA: My comment about lions was strangely posted in this story instead.

That 13 year old's fears weren't w/o precedent. Though changing, the US has a long history of arresting prostitutes rather than pimps/johns. I've read stories also about children in the US who have been forced into prostitution getting arrested on purpose for the bed/food, and released the next day w/o anyone

Ack, accidental post....

While having a more prominent, vocal, and accessible scientific community to educate people on global warming is perhaps a good idea, it is absolutely not the way to counter anti-globalization propaganda.

De Nero's problem was using the word "white." If he had stuck to the new post-racial euphemisms like Newt, he'd have been fine. Maybe he could have said, "I'm not sure we're ready for a first lady that doesn't use food stamps."

Agreed. Never shocking, but always disappointing.

Thanks for the link. Disgusting, indeed.

Thanks for your reply also. It's nice to know that the internet isn't all bullying and insults.

Wow, you see right through me! This girl is such an asshole and you are too!

I'd like to think that too. After listening to the story, I have my doubts. If I didn't make it clear enough in my initial post, I was excited by the teaser for this story, and was thinking, "good for her!" My reaction wasn't general, it was specific. Let's circle back in 10 years and see what's going on :)

"That two adults can have a baby and no bed is extremely sad, not exciting."

If children are incapable of the most basic premise for ethical human interaction, they are certainly incapable of the complex legal responsibility. To have power over others requires responsibility, and if she's incapable of moral responsibility, she can't wield that power responsibly.