
Which is great, because the prison industrial complex is central to the Texas economy.

I found this story a little troubling. I was really intrigued by the story, and certainly think that Willow demonstrates ingenuity and resourcefulness.

I'd like to first clarify our previous exchange. When I stated that Nazi flags are inherently offensive, you suggested that I was trying to wash the Holocaust from history. That leap is so extreme, and so bewildering that the only response which made remote sense was derision. Which is to say, I responded in kind.

Way to ruin her life, JEZEBEL!

I love that all the girls on this pop star are dressed like kids! Jeans, sneaks, baggy sweater, no make-up, amazing vocals! This is the star search I remember :)

I'm sorry my post made you bristle. I did try to clarify that I've too had great extra curricular instructors. I'm glad you managed to have good teachers who brought out your love of the arts so much so that it became your profession. This is exactly the kind of thing I would like to see more of, but don't. I also

Sigh. That's criminal. I wonder if people in this country will ever come to see that profit efficiency models are counterproductive for social goods like education and healthcare.

OMG, still laughing. I like how the dad IMMEDIATELY freaked and started screaming. If I were a kid starting out on my first big hill, having my father scream at me in the grips of terror would probably make me fall too.

That's really sad, and I can see that happening. That people might merely be fingerprinted and then presented to students as an expert in something (as someone posted below) is already likely the product of not prioritizing the arts.

Lol, thanks for all the hilarious gifs, guys!

Should we be reading into what kinds of teachers these are? A band teacher, substitute Spanish teacher and lifeguard? Was your high school anything like mine, where the individuals in these fringe positions whose motivations seemed a little... off? I don't want to overgeneralize, I've had great extra curricular

The fact that you are a caregiver, esp. for his child, might actually give you a big leg up here. I think if you open the conversation from the perspective of your childcare expertise, you can tell him that you're concerned about the changes in his daughter's behavior (which you notice that he might not if she always


I (obvs) don't know anything about your bf's relationship to his daughter or his daughter's mother, but I have seen this thing a lot with children whose parents have split up. Both parents feel guilty and lonely and want to sleep with their children. Children feel vulnerable and nervous and want to sleep with their

Does this bill at some point define "nonmarital parenthood" as single parenthood? When I read the statute, it immediately read to me like an attempt to criminalize couples with children who aren't married... which seemed to me a way to criminalize gay parenting. No?

Do not want!

You've clearly had a very strong reaction to my post, and taken it extremely personally. While this is unfortunate, I don't think it's particularly warranted. I'm happy, however, to clarify the intended narrowness of my comment.

Thank god, this trend had never made sense to me. Adults who eat healthy, diverse food, and feed their children what they eat will never have picky eaters.

Ding Ding Ding! Time to play the, "What is Target's real motivation" game!

Lol, yes I am precisely saying that we should all forget about the Holocaust. That's what I mean when I say that the open manufacturing, selling, profiteering, and purchasing the flag that stands for a national ethic of hatred and genocide is offensive.