
Yes, the people making them, selling them and buying them is offensive... corporations facilitating all of this not offensive?

Their existence is offensive—that's kind of the point.

Can we get a pool going for baby names?

It didn't strike me at the time, but that's really kind of you to say. Thanks :)

You're right, I wasn't there, but my friend was cooking, when the dog had this freak out and watched the scene unfold. She described it, and it really did seem insane (Cat and dog in totally opposite ends of the house, dog was chilling, then just goes on mad rampage, totally unprovoked). The vet also confirmed that

You've clearly had a strong reaction to my post, but I don't think you read it very carefully.

DFW is a huge huge huge sprawling area. She found them on some no kill website and we confirmed before we drove. Bear in mind that you can drive 4 hours and still be in the DFW metroplex.

Thanks for the tip. I seem to recall her using petfinder (she was certainly willing to pay), but the dogs were all rescued fighting dogs (maybe DFW is just a generally terrible place for animals) that obviously woudn't work in her home.

I was biting my nails right around the time that Lee Press On nails were ALL the rage. My mom promised that she would buy me a pair I stopped biting them. She wasn't all about short term bribes, but the longer ranger range change of habit kind *always* worked on me.

The thing about children is that they don't over intellectualize things the way that adults can. I don't mean to imply that your diagnosis of Mama Bear is incorrect, but I don't remember her at all, nor Papa Bear. I remember and identify with the children, because I was a child and it was their behaviors, wants and

I can say w/o reservation that these books played a large role in shaping my own moral compass. Sad, sad day.

I visited my friend in Dallas last summer, and she wanted to adopt a dog from a no kill shelter. This struck me a great, ethical way to adopt an animal by avoiding puppy mills and euthanasia.

Part of being a person of faith is to not only have faith in that which creates but also what is created. The hostile dogmatism of so much fundamentalism misses this point and in the process undermines the creator at the core of religions.

Never thought anything could make me long for the naive simplicity of hotornot.com.

Hug yer granny for me, please.

The doc forced a transvaginal ultrasound on her first, and after she cried at the heartbeat, Santorum decreed the doc had served sufficient penance.

Damn that is some Tina Turner hair. Work it, girl.

The lack of diversity in fashion strikes me as so odd. Color plays such a huge role aesthetically in fashion, and every color besides black tends to pop so much more on skin that isn't the standard model pale/translucent. I've always thought that deeper and caramel hued skin makes clothes look so much better.

My problem is that I mimic the emotional responses of other people, reflexively. So this clip made me laugh hysterically and also tear up. What a huge friend crush I have on Kristen Bell... but we would be emotional dynamite together!

Ah yes, the only way to right forced sterilization of the poor is replace that policy with forced pregnancy for the poor.