
The A-10 has been doing missions in high threat situations. It’s currently deployed in Europe, the Middle East, and it’s doing patrols in the pacific theater. Its taken on enemies with manpads or greater and It’s been used in the sead/dead roles because of its capabilities in dealing with ground defenses.

The problem with the F-35 it’s a golden bullet solution being pitched for every conflict.
Yes it will eventually be able to hit all the same targets as a hog, but the A-10 runs about 9k an hour compared to 32k for the F-35. It can carry the same ordinance where the Tucano is far more limited and more vulnerable. Since

CAS, though... is not really an Air Force priority, and never particularly has been.

That’s extremely unimpressive.

A plane relying purely on AGM’s and guided bombs will never be as good or better than the A10 in a CAS role, a plane not designed to operate at low speeds will never be as good or better in a CAS role, a plane where the pilot can’t turn his head because of the bulky helmet will never be as good or better than the A10

I concur with Steve on the spectacle of a GAU-8 firing on a tank. I got to watch an afternoon of live-fire on an M-60 Patton at the 188th Fighter Wing’s range in Fort Smith, Ark. From my spot up in the range control tower, the overlapping sonic booms of the 30mm shell, the report of the cannon itself and the sound of

I was thinking given this week only 1 of the 6 F-35s could take off due to software issues we might need to keep the A-10s around. Also the Air Force is doing a study on how expensive it would be to build more F-22s. Lets do a study on how expensive it would be to build more A-10s.

A long time ago, when I was a young, impressionable armor crewman, I saw one of these (at either Grafenwöhr or Hohenfels) on a live fire exercise. It seemed to come out of nowhere and made two quick passes on the target - which looked like a BTR-80 - and just chewed it to pieces. Perforated it like a giant soda can

They can re-zero the airframe, making it as if it hasn’t flown and been wore down yet. The Israelis do it all the time, F4s, Mirages. Its doable, practical, and inexpensive (compared to F35, especially so).

Oh wow, hey Tyler. It’s great to have you back...

F-16's weapons pylons have a wide variety of uses:

Nice find I was just going to post my version on this story at

If the F22 goes back into production, it’s still not legal for export.

According to people i know that work for SAAB, stealth is quite useless since they only stay stealthy for a short time before there are radar systems that can detect them. Any truth to that?

Between this and the J-31, I don't see the F-35 having a long spanning export market.

U.S. military R&D isn’t about results, it’s about pork and the gravy train.

Never fuck with Israelis. Ever. From the Merkava to basically anything else, they are just as inventive as Brazilians and hold a grudge seven generations down. You gotta love people that fend for themselves.

I second what Let’s just drive and DramaLlamma said. Anyone can aggregate content, cut and paste press releases or regurgitate specs.

Just don’t get them wet

Relax. Tyler was great and we’re all going to miss him. But a replacement hasn’t been hired yet. Collins is literally the main guy from a blog called Truck Yeah! I thoroughly enjoyed this post.