
So....into the sunset. Mr. Rogoway, your blog is the best thing I’ve ever read on the internet! Well written, factual articles and the best damn comments section in the history of web!

Oh man, I’m both happy and sad. Happy for Tyler to move on to whatever is next that he’ll be awesome at (hopefully we’ll be able to read his stuff consistently). Sad that such a great community is losing its flag bearer.

I really hope Nick Denton has had the opportunity to read Tyler’s work, because he’s presented a realistic, workable alternative to his current business model.

“you have no fucking clue how much time and effort and energy Tyler put into Foxtrot Alpha.”

Tyler’s writing was of a much higher caliber than most (if not all) of the other contributors at GM. It was only a matter of time before he was snatched away; I know his indepth analysis and insight will find a better home at Time Inc.

On the rest of Jalopnik, the answer is always Miata.

It’s hard to understate how much we’ll miss Tyler. He’s not only clearly one of the most knowledgable, insightful, and smartest reporters we know, he’s also a great guy. When he first joined on he was one of the few people I could count on to help me out on weekends, and one of the few people I could go to with my

Tyler, without you…

That’s actually what I was referring to, could have phrased that better.

Evolutionary design with three parameters:

It’s well past the time where the Army be allowed to be responsible for their own fixed-wing close air support. The Marines already have that luxury. No one knows what the Army needs for that role better then the Army, and it can come out of their budget rather than rely on the Air Force which always pushes their

Someone needs to go up to DC and pull the Air Force Brass heads out of their ass. Damn they are a bunch of whiney brats when they won’t get their new toy, even though their old one is working perfectly fine. We really don’t need a new crazy fighter jet. It is cool, but most people we go to battle with don’t have a

The Air Force likes to say that the A-10 is not survivable in a war against a modern peer-state competitor


Can we just start prefacing all A-10 stories with the same photo for the TL:DR crowd?

LATE BREAKING: The US Air Force has selected the A-9 as its replacement for the under performing and second rate A-10:

“Still, the accusations have seemingly failed to put a damper on the race’s winner”