
While the gatling gun was first deployed by the US army (making such a thing an impossibility for the confederacy at any point in the civil war) it wasn’t first deployed until the battle of Petersberg that you mentioned, and the Army didn’t really accept them as a weapon system until after the conclusion of the war.

This thing could haul plows through prairie sod and cultivators through wet field mud. It could easily cross wet grass. The advantage of tracks in clearing trenches isn’t due to power as much as geometry and weight distribution.

I live in China, and I’ve adopted a try anything once philosophy. Sometimes it bites me in the ass.

Post updated: they’re $36,000.

The JSF will not be “the one to rule them all for small countries”, because 1) in a small air space you will pretty soon no longer be in BVR.

And just think, once Amazon gets it drone delivery system up and running in earnest, you can literally shoot down free shit from the air.

I think we are ging to have to put ‘Scandanavian Jet Evaluation’ with the same grain of salt that we take things like ‘Marine Declaration of IOC’, ‘Project Milestone Met’ and ‘Future Cost Estimates’ in regards to the F-35.

Andrew, I mean no offense. I am genuinely curious how you’d explain, to us, or to yourself, why this piece’s title speaks about ‘Scandinavian’, rather than cite Danish. Were you loath of pastry connotations?

I am not an A-10 fanboy though I believe it kicks the tailpipe off any competitor when looking strictly at the AT/CAS/FAC role. I am highly skeptical of the F-35, if only because between strategically lowered expectations, shifted goalposts and fudged tests/metrics for this program, I feel LockMart has traded every

In terms of weapons though, I’m not sure the US will hold the edge.

“...so we’re all in agreement, I have 27 orders of shrimp fried rice, 3 orders of egg rolls, 5 crab ragoons, extra soy and sweet&sour sauce, right?

Who exactly are they defending against exactly that requires new aircraft?

We need to keep a few in case of asteroids/aliens. Or aliens riding on asteroids. Or asteroids which are also aliens. That sort of thing.

Is there a version by the Egyptian Army band? I’m hooked.. they’re so bad it’s beautiful

Could you imagine A-10 Warthogs with a solid state laser being designed for 5th and 6th generation aircraft? The vehicle has more than enough plant and payload to handle it and the generator, and the lasers could vaporize nearly any kind of ordnance that A-10 Warthogs are actually susceptible to.

Sandy, Sandy, is that you? Im done Sandy, popping smoke now...