

I wanna see one paintedd up like a minion with the weirdest boner.

AIM-120 replacement was actually canceled a couple of years ago, so, again, my point is that DoD has a chance to purchase a ready product instead of pouring money into R&D that would come up with the same or marginally better product than Meteor. Same goes for the Brimstone, but insted, they chose to dance to the

The F-35 isn't expensive because of the difficulties in designing an aircraft it's because of the ridiculous way it's being developed and how it's being forced to be everything to everyone rather than doing one task well

It’s only that hard to develop a fighter when you’re developing it for four different users with disparate needs and no willingness to compromise.

Turkey, Korea and Japan could easily build their own 5th-gen fighters and power them with off-the-shelf Israeli avionics and radars and whatever decent engine they can buy

FYI, the main reason why the F-22 is banned from export is the software. Put simply, it has zero security. You can dump the whole system simply by walking up and plugging a laptop into it (it uses FireWire, so cables are cheap and plentiful) and running the right commands. It’s inherently permissive, because it was

That awkward moment when we might actually buy this platform from the Japanese in a few years cause we need to bridge the gap between the F-22 and the flying shitheap F-35 and it becomes more cost effective to buy these guys than to restart F-22 production or keep updating the F-35. I swear to Yoda the F-35 is like

Just don’t send all your Cats after SOJ decoys.

I have to believe that there is some version of for lack of a better name “The Aurora” that has been flying even before the Habu was retired. It is probably Hypersonic, flies at 80,000 to 100,000 feet or higher and uses Pulse Detonation Engines. It is the most secret manned black aircraft ever built, and has a stealth

Doug, no offense, I enjoy your articles and your sense of humor. I really really do. I read your text version of the video first, then I watch the video. So please forgive me when I proceed to yell at you now... DO YOU NOT READ JALOPNIK’S PLETHORA OF ARTICLES ON HOW SUMMER TIRES SHOULD NOT BE USED IN THE WINTER?

I like how the Bush administration’s decision to go to war is blamed on their incompetence, deceit (of the public), and/or ulterior motives. But the real question is: How many other presidents would’ve made the same decision to go to war with the same/better/different intelligence? I’m willing to bet that quite a few

Well, technically, I think it “blew the fuck up.”

After careful examination of the video, it appears that the engine blew up.

Agree with other comments. Sort of reminds me of Battleship Row in Pearl on a certain sunday morning in 1941.

Yeah, except all that is bullshit propaganda. I don’t care what targeting technology is on the aircraft, dropping a dumb bomb from high altitude isn’t going to hit anything, unless you’re dropping them by the thousand.


Not pretty either, but we still love it!

Considering how lightly armored most naval targets she’d engage with i think double gun turrets would suffice but that’s just semantics aslong as you can keep the speed up. In any case the ship would probably be classified as a battlecruser regardless. And to your point in your other comments about the B-52s keeping