
Iran is about to cause so much chaos in the region thanks to that ‘nuclear’ deal it’s going to make the last decade look like a fucking vicars picnic.

Nope, B-58

In Mother Russia, they call this “the morning”.


Nah. XB-70

Your comment is a great example of your ignorance. It actually proves that you don’t read the news (well maybe Fox news or Buzzfeed).

The only non-depressing thing about this article was this picture.

That’s something I was thinking as well; it would make more sense to reopen the line in conjunction with a ‘B’ model upgrade that incorporated some of the features that were cut from the initial run, as well as generally upgraded technology.

Clinton would be a 4-year+ extension of the Obama administration so I don’t think she would make and smart defense decisions, especially one considering the F-22

I’ve run out of things to say about the asinine decisions made by those that run the Pentagon.

Well, let’s clear a few things up:

You're not American. It's not supposed to make sense to you.

I don’t know, a marine in a bronco calling in 16 inch rounds from the big Mo sounds pretty damn dangerous.

I know its not a popular opinion, but I still think we need a modern battleship. Not bringing back the Iowa’s, as the manpower needed for those is silly, but a modern big gun ship to do the job the Zumwalt is supposed to do, but can’t.

Looking at the ongoing staredown in the South China Sea, I can’t help but wonder if those 16 inchers still could’ve allowed the USN to flex a bit more muscle than they’ve been able to.

I have a theory that some Flint residents had severe brain damage before the water problem as seen by this fellow

Educated Europeans, cradled in the protective environment of American military power.

Sadly you won’t hear anyone of the Russian Federation on the internet freely talking anymore. It’s illegal to be critical (they will be prosecuted/imprisoned for it under specific laws). And, for example, Russian bloggers are required by law to only use servers physically located in Russia, the servers are monitored.

Just don’t buy the GPS the U.S. navy puts on its boats, it doesn’t seem to know where Iran is, or where coral reefs are in the Philippines

If only they’d sprung for and attached a GPS instead of a GoPro they’d still be up one Su-24.