
I acutally saw one in 1990 on a training flight flying under telephone line behind the backyard I was working in. Which means that this tree level flying was really used for hunting tanks during the cold war.

Wow. Kinda embarrassing for ISIS to provide the confetti to their own bombing.

That hit was right on the money

How many S-400 tubes will they deploy? A dozen F-16s loaded with MALD-J decoys could soak up over 70 missiles. Any that make it through the IADS would go into kamikaze mode and plow into S-400 radars. And the MALD-J has a range of 900 km.

MLRS is mobile. Unless the Russians track them constantly, the MLRS isn’t vulnerable. It doesn’t have a large train of support equipment, it doesn’t require a large preconfigured area to set up in, and it doesn’t give off easily detected signals when operational.

Except the S-400 is radar based and there are several types of aircraft in our current inventory as well as upcoming that drastically reduce the spotting chance from radar and can perform air to ground missions as well as SEAD and HARM missions. (F-22, F-35, B-2, and the upcoming LRSB) this will also be able to cover

No caterpillar drive, no care.

Try 26. Look how long that bullet is, it doesn’t hold that many. This on the other hand:

Bloomburg would crap his pants at the sight of this. That magazine must hold, like 500 rounds!

Drool over my awesome automatic assault knife*

Not at all. The Russians were not prepared to resist us. The Red Army was pretty battered after the war, much of their forces were at a low state of readiness (some entire units given over to drunken revelry) and had been partially reliant on lend-lease for supplies. A suprise attack would have worked just as well as

I am updating this post in real time.

Go to war? No, the other option was not ‘go to war’. The other option was to continue to allow the sanctions to bankrupt the Iranian government.

Yeah, it’s almost as if the people against the nuclear deal have a valid point about Iran not being trustworthy in any way.

“I hate how much Iranian aggression makes people think Iran is aggressive.”

Paitience??? He isn’t exercising patience he’s triangulating the optics so he looks good or at least not bad. His foreign policy is a disaster.

“Is anybody really doing anything of real substance against ISIS?”

We could fly a Cessna over the DMZ and they’d shit their pants.