
But they’re talking about LOWERING the standards. And mixed-gender combat teams have already proven to be significantly less effective than all-male ones. Facts are facts here; either we’re going to lower the standards in order to accommodate women, or we’re going to not have women in combat. It’s really that simple.

All that is true, and there are plenty of legitimate criticisms to be made about the F-35 project for sure. Its extremely expensive and it’s being asked to do too much. Totally fair statements.

Ya know what’s not a great example? The F35.

Someone probably traded it for a near pristine ‘55 Chevy.

Somebody call Gibbs. McGee and Abby will sort this out while Tony and that new blond girl figure out somebody’s relationship issues. The whole thing will be sorted out in one late night between an argument over Chinese food and a quip referencing a classic movie.

Eventually some faction of IS will run out of male volunteers, and start forcing women to drive their suicide cars. This will start the internecine war that brings them down.

Someone’s gonna need a ‘Hip’ replacement.

“unless one views the LCS role as a “trip wire” so that when China takes an AK-47 and sinks one, the US will get mad.”

Great article with deep insights. Nice work as always.

China says they are a friend.....until they’re not
China says it’s not militarizing the islands.... until they they’re done
China says they will not slice the salami ... until it’s sliced
China says they believe in freedom of navigation ... until they don’t

It’s not that they’re the “bad guys.” Or that we’re trying to claim it.

Could this be something of a field test for the weapon? It would seem that France doesn’t really have much opportunity to fire off their cruise missiles in a real environment(even if it is an extraordinarily permissive environment) and you cant really know how good a weapons system is until it is battle tested.

The west doesn’t have a whole lot to prove when it comes to our weapons. The world generally understands that they operate as they are described, and do so reliably. Shooting off a million-dollar cruise missile just to prove it works isn’t really something a western power needs to do. Quite the contrary in fact;

These kind of pieces from FA have two consistent qualities:

The F-35 is a POS and the MC IOC earlier this year is as much as a fraud as the AF IOC will be this year or the Navy IOC would be in 2019. IF (and it is a huge if) EVERYTHING in the upcoming testing of the F-35 goes completely flawlessly, the plan still wont be fully functional in 7 year, plus all the time needed to

Why are some of those Super Hornets launching in burner, while others aren't? Is it just the heavy tankers that need the extra thrust?

Just a poke at a thoroughly enjoyed article - EM radiation is being emitted by the F-22 like crazy; it just isn’t RF EM radiation. It’ll be the IR coming from that plane can be seen from LEO as can the trail it leaves.

Still seems awfully large and heavy.

Talon HATE means this will never happen again thanks to shared information