
360ad said, “It’s hard to be reasonable with your retail therapy when you have guaranteed and expendable income (from tax revenue).”

yeah, he definitely thinks that the upgrades are a definite improvement over the old AAAV and will definitely provide a higher level of performance so that the Marines can definitely accomplish their mission.

“Helos are still more vulnerable than fighters are to Manpads...”

Tyler, sure hope the folks at Time will let you have your own opinions, especially if it has to do with criticizing the DoD for decisions like the F-35, retiring the A-10, building the LCS or adding Aegis to a troop transport. Nothing like throwing shade on a card carrying member of the military-industrial complex

what a weapons loadout... wonder why they didn’t use the cannon in the video?

“The LCS is glorified Coast Guard Cutter...”

but the Navy will still have its 40 LCS!!!

Why does this sound like the F-35 of the ship yard? I get upgrading the self-defense capability of the San Antonio’s, but is an Aegis Defense System needed to do that? Somewhere in D.C., there is an admiral with a Swiss Army knife fetish.

regrettably, I don’t know the source. It came up in a search for ‘50s space ships and fit the look to a “T”.

Do. Not. Post. Gilligan’s Island. meme.

see, all of those ‘50s science fiction movies were right...

gotta love that cannon. Put the Vulcan on an APC and you get:

Tyler, great to hear from you again. Sounds like you’ve bounced up. Looking forward to reading your content on the TheDrive.

yeah, you just have to find the tankers once you’re “way out there”

Congress hates the military. Not the president.

“fwiw, last tweet was actually yesterday.”

“Ya, that’s perfect for the next fence hopper.”

I just don’t see why they have a Marine opening the door. As much as Obama cares about the military, they should put in a glass sliding door with an automatic opener.

I’ve been checking Tyler’s twitter (last post on twitter was 3/28) and the aviation_intel web site but no new news there.