looks like the two guys on the right are trying to push the deck in-line with the plane landing...
looks like the two guys on the right are trying to push the deck in-line with the plane landing...
lol, never waste a chance to post interesting pics eh Jerry.
you know, when the US bombing campaign has dropped over 40,000 weapons on the bad guys and they’re still there, you have to wonder if the command structure has once again suckered itself into the “body count syndrome” ala Viet Nam?
“a $1.8 billion weapons buy that will order 45,000 new bombs and missiles as part of a larger $7.5 billion budget to fight ISIS.“
“...plans for a weaponized burning plywood wall.”
There are enclosed versions of the Ripsaw as well as an amphib version. Given that it’s so overpowered, you could add quite a bit of armor plating and still be faster than an Abram’s. The unmanned version is controlled from an M-113, not exactly the paragon of armored protection.
actually, the US Army has a really cool UMV available to it right now... this is the Ripsaw from Howe and Howe Technologies. Not only is it cooler looking than the Uran-9, but it’ll outrun just about anything on the battlefield.
“demonstrator flying by 2018.” Dude, the damn thing is already flying.
...because satellite orbits are, wait for it, predictable. The bad guys only have to have one operational laser or directed energy weapon and they’ll know exactly where to shoot to disable or destroy your favorite satellite(s).
I have to believe that in a peer state conflict, the electronic spectrum is going to be one large mass of gobbledygook. While unmanned aircraft which are flown by AI, which doesn’t need an “electronic tether” back to home base, will likely function in this environment, survivability continues to be an issue at…
nice landing.
In 2009, DARPA requested solutions for installing robust flight deck cooling to support Osprey flight operations. The same need that the USS America has for the F-35.
“It’s not like designing three supersonic, stealth, sensor fused, weapons bay enabled, cutting edge fighters that fly on the edge of control is hard...”
“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
any admirals lose their jobs over the screwed up decision making process that gave us USS America 1.0 and USS America 2.0?
The Constellation - back when Lockheed was more interested in building great airplanes than pumping the government well dry.
How many air-dropped Sheridan’s did you see drive away?
Wow. Great story. Thanks, Tyler, for publishing.
If Assad walks and Syria breaks apart, I see Russia having a newly formed coastal vassal state and a Russia-don’t-give-a-shit hinterland on the interior plains.