
Mike’s way means drowning in oil and vinegar.

Jersey Mike’s is ok, better than Subway anyway. Be aware of a few things:

I can’t believe these two stoner-looking dipsticks made a movie.

This Y tu mamá también sequel looks weird...

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

I have Centurion Access through AmEx, so when I initially read this restriction, I was like “wtf, I have a five hour layover on a flight next week!” But then I read it closely and it clearly exempts layovers from the restrictions. While I’m sure there are situations where people have to get to the airport more than 3

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.

I know people who did not have great experiences doing it, but yeah, different people want different things from their vacations, and this OMG ALL CRUISES SUCK attitude is silly. 

My first cruise was a budget Princess Cruise to the Mexican Riviera, for a week, and I thought it was the best one I’ve ever been on. Even had an interior cabin! To each, their own, I suppose.

Is this the same person who wrote the last article about how awful cruise ships are?

You get the feeling he once went on a budget Princess Cruise to the Mexican Riviera over a long weekend, and is judging the whole industry by that one experience. 

Man, oh man! The writer of this article is in DIRE need of a week long cruise! 

“Retirement is supposed to be your reward for lifelong hard work and spent doing something you enjoy...so here’s 1000 words on why I don’t like the thing you enjoy!”

I think there are some valid concerns with cruises in terms of disease outbreaks or the general being trapped issue, but some of these are silly. Taking a normal vacation by car or plane also has its own risks, many of which are far more likely than the literally one in a million chance of falling overboard. Also,

I don’t have high hopes for this. Yeah, Avatar made a wheelbarrow of money and so of course gets a sequel. The problem is, it didn’t make that money because it was good. It made that money because it was an event. It was one of the first really novel things that people in the 21st century got to experience. It was a

I really don’t understand why this website  hates this guy so much.

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars and still no one has caught up to him, but go ahead and state he is not very bright.

Never seen before?

Kytch’s founders meanwhile told Insider McDonald’s had “destroyed” its business beyond repair.

My dad was arrested for “verbally objecting calmly.” Fuck the police, fuck the police unions protecting them, and fuck the idea that anything other than complete submission is going to appease a cop on a power trip.