
Anyone having more than 3 kids is probably some kind of cultist.

I’ve never heard of this person, but I just assume all parenting influencers are abusing their children.

A church is being used to prey on people?!?! Who could have guessed.

It also introduced the world to Chloë Sevigny

Make sure that no-one currently under 25 will ever vote for a Republican again?

I feel like we’re seeing a lot of stories about artists without any context.

Interesting. I can see it is likely a failure from the perspective of driving additional sales, but it’s been great for odds and ends around the house. She runs our lights and Roomba and is good for music out in the garage or whatever. More than once I’ve caught myself getting ready to tell Alexa to turn something on

This is literally my first time hearing about it at all.

I commented on the AV Club article that there seemed to be very little marketing for this movie.

I’d argue that Disney didn’t do enough to get the word out on this one since I just only heard it was out. Haven’t even seen a trailer either. 

Did this plan really “backfire” or did it work as Musk planned?

140 page slide show.  Wow.

So she turned down $15k for 20 hours of work? I’d love to make $750 an hour. Asking for $100k+ seems kind of absurd? Like, that’s how much a programmer would make working on the game for at least 40 hours a week for a year. She’s not a big Hollywood actor being cast for a movie. Her impact on the game’s commercial

I wanted to enjoy it because MTS seems fun but she was out of her depth.  I found her delivery was rushed and she had a number of physical tics that were distracting.  Good energy, though  

I could not for the life of me understand what the hell Megan was saying for most of her sketches. Yeah, I already had subtitles turned on, and as always, they sucked with their word salad.

It’s a weird review. Also very short. It heaped mostly praise and then gave the episode a C+? I dunno, I think I’m done reading these. The coverage has been erratic at best since the new writer took over. 

Thank you! Having watched that lazily written, unfunny WB level garbage last night, I was wondering if AV Club would have the courage to call it out. To see it praised is absolutely amazing. It was a low water mark for the show and easily one of the poorest installments ever broadcast.

The episode was fucking dreadful. If not for Weekend Update and whatever roles Sarah Sherman has, this show would be a complete waste of time.

People just can’t get enough of “Grimace with more eyes than Grimace normally has” I guess.