
I’ve learned that there’s a wide disparity in the meaning of the words “graphic video.”  For anyone who hasn’t watched yet, this is towards the “I can’t eat lunch now” end of the spectrum.  How awful.  

I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.

I loved Wonder Woman, even enjoyed the 2016 Ghostbusters, and I’ve always loved awesome woman in kicked ass roles ever since I was a kid with Ripley and Sarah Connor.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Well congratulations, Kate. You out-awfulled William Shatner’s still astonishingly take:

I’m sorry if you didn’t get the memo, you’re not allowed to enjoy this show, it is forbidden.  Especially if you think any of the trump jokes or baldwin are funny your laughs are officially lies.  Especially if you thought the part where Jules shakes his head at Colin because Colin is so unenlightened it never

I know it ain’t my fight, but I’m honestly a little disappointed by this. From an outside perspective it looks like Kaepernick decided to take some cash over fighting for his principles. I’m sure it’s likely much more nuanced than that, but with the NDA in place he’ll never get the chance to explain his reasoning

First he was a replacement caddy

Hey, I know you guys sometimes get off on spoiling things for people but the spoiler about Serenity is visible in the blurb on the homepage. Whether the movie sucks or not, don’t be a dick for absolutely no reason. Unless that’s a fake spoiler, in which case, that’s a little funnier but, as it’s reasonable not to want

Oh. K. Um. But which church isn’t infamously anti lgbt?

Thank you for the serious answer to what I thought was obviously a joke. It works in all the movies!

Has anyone tried looking around his office? Seeing a few personal effects might trigger just the right combination that formed up his password and let you unlock it.

Yeah.  What the fuck else does Colburn listen to?  The Gin Blossoms?

I’ll “@“ you, that record sucks. 

Most people - even book-lovers, a group I count myself part of - should actually consider getting rid of books. As much as we like to elevate them into some rarefied category, they are just objects like anything else, and I bet most of us have a tonne of books we’ve idly picked up or been given over the years that

I get killing Hitler, but what did poor Bigfoot do to anyone?

I watch the shit out of bull riding and I always pull for the bull. Always. Rodeos are fucking barbaric.

He died doing what he loved.  Torturing animals.

1) Use voice dictation (and voice commands)

Plastic cutting boards... and not a single end-grain block.... who did you ask for their opinions, college dorm inhabitants? Everything minus the Boos edge-grain board is junk.

Plastic cutting boards... and not a single end-grain block.... who did you ask for their opinions, college dorm