
I asked for a list of recommendations of books in the Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi genre’s by women and people of color on here before but I lost it.

How about when he called her a “little girl” in his opening statement to plant the idea of a helpless child in the minss of the jury?

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I just can’t process this right now. Fuck everything.

Plenty is not the word I used how in the ever living fuck did you get “plenty” out of:

From Chewie, Han, Leia and Luke’s point of view crazy old Ben sacrificed himself to get the tractor beam off so they could escape. so more like: “Hey son I named you after the guy who gave his life so your mom and I could escape the first Death Star”

My argument is about the EU (Extended Universe) of Star Wars not the movies. The Star Wars universe can and has supported side stories about other characters without touching the main story line. That is what an Extended Universe was supposed to be about. Exploring the Star Wars universe in ways a movie can’t.

Maybe Luke hid some of that stuff from his students and Ren found out?

Guy behind us actually said “This is why I’m an alcoholic”

He won me over right at the start when he told Kylo something like “I can’t understand a thing you say with that mask on”

He looks like the anthropomorphic personification of dick stink.

Why are you making fun of a blind man like that? The poor guy has clearly been passing for sighted for so long he almost believed it himself. Then in one misstep the entire facade of lies came crashing down around his head. Can we fault him for clinging to his self-delusional fiction of youth and beauty?

Because our neighbor had cancer, and didn’t like her.

I think that hug was more of a ‘we both need a hug right now’ moment. Obviously they radioed ahead and informed them about Solo. What was troubling to me was Chewie not going to Leia to hug and comfort her.

But Kenobi did sacrifice himself to let them escape. That alone could make them want to honor him with a namesake.

I took that to mean the piece of map BB-8 had showed an Island. I really hope she is just a random force sensitive hidden away after the Jedi school slaughter.

From what I gather from the movie and skimming the lead up publications.

Arcades were the worst financially but damn it couch co-op is fantastic! The only thing better gaming wise is LAN parties because that eliminates the shared screen problem.

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He suggested the table closest to the Christmas tree, because it is very close to the Christmas tree, which is Good.