
Nick is one of my favorite companions but he steam rolled me right off that rickety pile of ramps in at the Revere Satellite Array 3 times.

I found a box of all my old MASK toys the other day. Those were some kick ass toys. I had forgotten how cool and detailed they were.

Isn’t that every Godzilla movie? I never understood why they load down these movies with subplots that eat into the only thing people came to see: Godzilla fucking shit up. There is plenty of human drama in people trying to escape/survive a giant monster attack on a major city. Cloverfield had the right idea but the

I only got to play it once trading the controller back and forth with a friend of mine. I didn’t own a system then but it was an amazing game. Using the mic with it really added something to that game. Nothing beats sneaking up for the kill and your friend’s beagle decides that is the right time to howl.

Oh I will! If this one is like the last 4 I’ll play it 5 or 6 times at the least. My usual method is play as me first then do good/bad/kill everything runs followed by the strange stuff:

For my first time playing 4 I decided to make the character as close to me as I could and play it as if it was actually me. I tried to distribute my stats honestly. When I level I choose stats increases and perks to reflect me learning and developing as I explore.

That is one of the things I love about 4, but It would make a YOLO run impossible really difficult.

The only time I don’t walk like that is when I charge in and bash peoples heads in with my rifle. That is so oddly satisfying every time I do it, especially if they hurt Dogmeat first. Anyone who knocks Dogmeat down gets the rifle butt to the head even if doing so puts me at risk.

I haven’t put anything in Sneak or Ninja and I still get the drop on enemies most of the time. I walk everywhere crouched so maybe that has something to do with it.

But with Star Wars we have a treasure trove of characters, and there are ways to tie to the main story without bringing in the Skywalkers.

This has always been my biggest problem with the EU. The Star Wars universe is so vast but having everything center around one family and their associates makes it seem so small.

I think it looks pretty damn good for running on a 4 year old engine.

Bongo Bongo Bong was a happy song so it wasn’t as annoying.

I like that too. Keeping the focus on separate coasts gives both stories breathing room. My only issue with New Vegas was the music on the radio it didn’t have the same charm as what we got in three. It didn’t help that my game clearly had some glitch that made the radio play Johnny Guitar like every other song.

I don’t care what you call the damn thing I just can’t seem to get over to the left.

Way back when I bought this converter that let me play NES games on my SNES (and Famicon games but I was never able to find any of those). So the desire was there it just wasn’t something people demanded or expected as a standard feature.

How hard can it be?

This movie was the death knell for the relationship I was in at the time. Apparently ‘Bug Wars’ is SERIOUS BUSINESS and how dare I laugh at it? Maybe her grandpappy died at the first battle of Klendathu.

Working as intended then.

I think most people can identify with the bullied kid, we all had those moments in our childhood where we felt powerless and fantasized about not being powerless.