
Better idea: melt them down into a giant statue of Nat Turner and put it on top of Stone Mountain

Well they fixed that issue as of today’s patch so... i guess not very broken anymore? Also every Bethesda game has a test room.... actually almost every game since the beginning of time did, many of which you could glitch into.

Yes, the game is buggy. Yes, they need to fix shit. But WE are also doing the hurting to the future of Bethesda games. We as consumers have been awful and whiney. When it comes down to it, I want Bethesda around, making games.

I’ve got two good rules that have served me well of late:

If nobody has made a band called “Homo Scoutmasters” yet, it’s an opportunity lost.

Naga... Naga... Naga... Not gonna work here anymore, anyway!

Good point.  

Yeah, there may be a ton of resources and manpower in the unknown regions and who knows what the hell is up in wyld space. Yes, I have to spell it with a y.

I can only speak for myself here. I was sexually assaulted and almost raped by a work colleague of mine. Only two people believed and cared - everyone else either didn’t believe me or shrugged it off with the usual, What were you wearing? (pajamas. I was asleep in bed). What was he doing at your place? (I let him

I’ve actually changed how I think about the fan-service of Solo. It’s so frequent and so mundane as to completely destroy the mythology that is normally inherent in that sort of thing.

Not an expert in all things He-Man and She-Ra but it does seem like with level of magic involved with Castle Grayskull that it could exist on multiple worlds all at the same time. Just about any sort of sort cross over is possible by crossing from Castle Grayskull on one world to the Castle Grayskull on another world.

Jeeze, racists ruins everything, even the number 69.

How soon before the racists start buying up Sam Darnold Jets jerseys insisting that the number is purely coincidental?

She looks a little “touched in the head” as we say in my neck of the woods.

I saw that, too.  That picture is more disturbing than the other one.

I got some serious Benjamin Button vibes from her.

I thought she was a 10 year old at first glance.

Maybe her daughter told her that there was a Black person nearby that she didn't have a chance to shoot so she instinctively clutched her purse and went into “cautious elevator stance” out of habit

I’ve been trying to figure that one out for a minute. I wasn’t sure if she was mom or grandma - but the whole looking like a geriatric teen thing was...odd.

Damn you’ve got a good eye, gumshoe.