
That picture has made my afternoon!

It probably just happened. Two weeks from now you will overhear this at a cafe: "The Plasma Consortium? Yeah I was into them way before everyone else. I was at their first show. They fucking sold out man, its not like it was two weeks ago"

Being a fan of Sci-fi, Fantasy and Horror I have read a ton of violent, blisteringly misogynistic, racist and man child mentality fiction and I am none of those things. Well except the part of my brain that is a perpetual third grader who still likes a good fart joke.

I had to replace a cover for the audio book version of Atlas shrugged because a patron had trashed the original. I could have just scanned another copies cover and printed it out but instead I used a much higher resolution version of this picture. That was almost 4 years ago and not a single person has caught on

My next door neighbor for close to 20 years was a campus police detective.

Its almost as if there is no rime or reason for it.

I did some raiding in vanilla but hated it and I can see why you would get burned out on it. What kept me going back to the game was the huge world to explore to explore. I think that is why I skipped Cata and this one is not really enticing me. I mostly played solo from 61-90 and I always took my time enjoying the

I played wow off and on since beta every time I 'quit' I always felt like I had unfinished business. Then I went back last year at the tail end of Pandaria and did pretty much all the old content I never got to see before because I'm not a raider type of player. I also got all the old mounts and pets I had wanted.

I can never get used to people who say robit or even worse robutt


I really want someone to do a realistic Hedonism bot cosplay.

Oh that looks good.

Han Solo becomes stronger because of his love for Leia. Her being disappointed in him is what gets him on the path to come save Luke at the Death star.

100% agree all I can remember is Bud White riding a giant bug lizard thing and Zod having a Tony Wonder beard.

Its funny that they went with the sister idea then 20 + years later Lucas makes Jedi's celibate monks because that would have been a much better way to solve the love triangle.

Yes of course. Chewie is the best character in the series.

True but he was strong in other ways.