
Two technically. But one was on the cheek. But Luke was all about it until he found out the truth.

I don't know if I would call Han Solo castrated. Sure he softened up a bit but he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the woman he loved and his best friend. Then he was man enough to walk away when he thought he was standing in the way of not only her happiness but his other friends happiness also. Not to

I will never stop being amazed at the way the people who play these characters can convey so much with just body language. I genuinely busted out in laughter when he pulled the little t out. I knew it was coming but the way he did it was perfect.

For some reason I remember them being nannies.

Wow how pathetic are you that you can't stand to see someone give another person a simple compliment for posting a funny picture?

What has this got to do with anything?

I wish I could give you 50 stars for this.

LOL I do sometimes wonder if I'm just insane and everyone around me just plays along.

My mother introduced me to Night of the Living dead when it aired on Halloween night, I was 9 years old. It scared the hell out of me. I refused to watch either of the sequels until I was 26. I had seen other zombie movies but none of them had the impact these three did*. The scene in day where the guys head is

You know its not that they are mucking up the timeline that bothers me because Terminator is totally about altering the past to make a better future (well starting with 2, the first one was about the inevitability of the future.) But why the "My dad is a robot" sitcom setup? Why not terminators try to kill Sarah as

I really am suprised we haven't seen remote controled planes/copters used as very crude 'drones' already.

Unfortunately? lol

I don't want to see anything long or firm of JarJar's

She used the term Vartigor. I never heard of it before this happened. Her. Roommate from college swears she has seen it too.

How about semi-permadeath like you die you stop playing for a month?

I have another story not quite scary but very creepy. We bought our house in July of 2003, at the time we couldn't break our apartment lease because the penalty was insane for it only being two months left on the lease. So we arranged to start our mortgage the month the rent ended. Since we had two months we

I may have shared this one last year. This was around 1995 or so. I was still living at home with my parents and my grandmother. At the time I was the only person in the house. My grandmother built an in-law suite off the back of our home and a huge glassed in porch that opened off one side of it. My brother had

I don't see why there is all this confusion. The answer is simple and totally logical. When the lizard people replaced her with one of their own the replication process had a minor glitch.

Are we sure this isn't for a Three little bops movie?

Stephen King is very guilty of the Deus Ex Machina magic but he often hides it well. Worst most obvious case I think was The Stand and the literal magic hand of God.