
I would say being badass for sure would be part of a firefighters just job. Sexy was more innresponse to the absurdity that she is obese.

You're kidding right? She is fucking badass and sexy as hell. We need more people like her everywhere.

Robin in that picture looks like either he is holding his breath or having a difficult poo.

I think you mean Jesus Willis or maybe his brother Bruce Christ.

Bearnaise was one of the best parts of History of the world pt.1! He also played Carmen Ghia in the Producers. LOVE IT!

Good thing it was just a new horizon becuase had it been an event horizon it would have reappeared in your lap.

Because two people of the same sex in a loving, nurturing relationship is "gross" but two drunk heterosexuals who met that night and will most likely have a very short miserable marriage are not.

I work in a library and this is totally going up as a poster

The biggest over looked event was the housekeeping strike of the early 1990's. You won't see it in any history books but its effects were visible for almost the entire decade.

Hey Kinja voodooed my lost post back to life!

You hit the bullseye there. When I was a kid my mom made sure I knew how to cook and clean and take care of myself, in contrast my brother was never expected to do shit. Guess which one of us just celebrated his 14th wedding anniversary and who still lives at home leeching.

All parents should be like you. My mother did this for me and I am glad everyday that she did. My marriage is happier (14 years last month!) because we both try to do an equal share. In direct contrast my brother NEVER did any house work or cook and he is never going to be happy in a relationship or anything else

I had no idea! Not that I ever really thought about it one way or the other.

Oh no argument there. The school system is really screwed up. Even almost 30 years ago it was. When I was in middle school getting terrorized ever day the school did nothing to help me. When I did fight back on my own I got suspended for 2 weeks

As a resident of Henrico's east end, a graduate of Highland Springs high school, and a victim of bullying myself who was suspended when he finally fought back against his 5 bullies. I have to say the east end is a nice place full of hard working lower and middle class people who generally are nice neighbors. That

Not to be gross but if a delivery driver pulled off such a clever delayed fart bomb on me I would probably tip more because that is some impressive Lex Luthor level treachery.

However, he did write 2.00 in the tip column

I sometimes have a problem sleepwalking and I sometimes also eat things. A box of deluxe Kraft mac and cheese vanished from our apartment one time. The worst is we never found the box or any dirty dishes. I also am prone to night terrors. Between that and the sleepwalking I refuse to own a gun.

Ok but what I am wondering is do Prime, Bumble Bee and the others actually exhibit mimicked behavior like the twins do? The other transformers seem to have stronger individual personalities with some obvious earth culture influences but overall they are individuals. The twins seemed to be the only ones who have

Oh God Oy is what did me in. I held it together until that. Eddie was tough to but I always knew he would die. I knew Oy was doomed too but I kept hoping he would find a pack of bumblers and run off but also knowing that is not what he would do.