
Back before the movie came out my best friend and I were sitting up late watching upcoming movie trailers. Both of us are pretty thick skinned cynical goofs but just the trailer for Precious had us both tearing up. I have never seen the movie. I don't think I could take it.

OH man that cover brings back so many memories. Whenever I think of gaming from that era that is the image that comes to my mind. I remember geting that issue then having to wait months for the local video store to get Mario bros. 2 which is still my favorite Mario game. Pretty much every issue of Nintendo power I

But can any of the other Transformers in the movies really be said to be doing that? Serious question not trying to pick a fight I have only seen each one once and have not seen age of extinction yet.

I never got to see the end of season 3 or any of season 4 until very recently. As an adult I was surprised by the rage virus like spore plague in the "return of Optimus Prime". Had I saw that as a kid I would have loved it and the two parter would be numbers 8 and 9 on my list. Season 4 was just weird and felt out

How exactly has he saved thousands?

A series set in the Mirror universe would be awesome. Have a Federation ship from one of the established eras find itself on the other side. Hell alternate between the Federation ship in the mirror universe and the Terran Empire in the prime universe and show how events in one universe resonate in the other.

That is a waste of a good fruit cake. If its mass produced you can use it to replace a cracked brick on your home and if its homemade with lots of rum those taste goooood.

I think Notch has serious burnout. He never seemed like the kind of guy who could handle his notoriety well and his selling to Microsoft seems like he wanted to unload it and be done with it. It is hypocritical but I can't really fault the guy for just wanting out.

Just once I would like to see a comic where a female character is trying to buy decent armor/protective gear but all they have available are the typical impossible to stay on outfits we always see. You could do a whole issue just on her frustration at explaining to the clerk "NO I don't need a boob window in my full

I was in the 5th grade and got sick one Friday night with the epic shits. It got so bad that I had no clean underwear left and just gave up. I wore one of my dads T-shirts that went down to my knees and no pants. I shit all over that too. My parents got so worried they called the doctor who said to just keep giving

Actually Rose Red was an original story for TV but there was a tie in book: written by Ridley Pearson called "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red"

I wonder how they define a "desecration of a venerated object."

I was SO happy when the big plot twist happened and then I knew I would get to kill his mouthy ass.

I don't like it, it is similar to the tumbler bat mobile and I was hoping for a different direction with this ones look.

I thought the Penguin used the sewers to get around but his base was in the old Penguin exhibit at the abandoned zoo.

"I said a poop, poot, pootie to the pootie,

Gambit was meant to be another form of Nathan made of concentrated "cool" to infiltrate the X-Men.

I get the trust us part because I don't like when I cook and people dump sauce or seasonings on food they have nor yet tasted. However once it has been tasted have at it! If you want it to have drifts of salt and rivers of shitty hot sauce go for it! Still this chef sounds like a real joy to be around.

The bigger question is if the agents can encase an entire building in a brick wall like they did in the first one. Why not put a huge wall on the highway to stop them from escaping in Reloaded?