
I sort of did this but I never got as far as this person did not being able to kill the kids pissed me off. Nerf equivalent of post apocalypse.

I would say Koba is probably crazy and at the very least suffering from a massive case of PTSD. He had a pretty fucked up life before he was freed, even for a lab animal. Up until he throws Ash off the balcony he has made every choice because of his fear and distrust of humans. When he shoots Caesar he is

Someone else corrected me on this months ago.

Now playing

What I wouldn't give to see something like this:

YES they can do it Bill and Ted style where you have to recruit famous people to help you do something exceptionally goofy and ungangster like corner the frozen orange juice market.

From Hero to Zero for one night of passion. Plus if you are really unlucky trying to earn all that child support as a low level scrub again.

"Really not liking this Obama tan suit. Sends the wrong signals to our allies." What that its summer? SHHHH its winter here if Isis finds out what season we are in they win.

That breakdown of 100 friends is very pokemonish. Gotta catch'em all! I wonder what the breakdown of LGBT friends woukd be in that 100 and how the numbers change depending on sexual orientation.

OK at first I was like: maybe its some poor attempt at a joke about how all the hard work that goes into a show is over shadowed by flashy 'eye candy' but nope this is just sexist bullshit.

Now playing

One time some friends drug me to a karaoke night. After a few really awful wet blankets sang. This unassuming guy gets up on stage and sang "the heat is on". Not only did he have a bad lisp like speech impediment he knew the song by heart and since the mic was wireless he ran around the bar singing. This guy was

The Germans launched thousands of V-2s at allied targets,mostly at London to try and demoralize the British. The recovered rocket tech kick started space programs and the nuclear arms race. I can think of no better example of how technology can be used both for good and for evil it all depends on the people. I am

The US space program was kick started by Nazi technology and scientists.

*cough* US Space program *cough*

With this new evidence we should all think of Kanye as a hero. Back in 2009 he must have thought 'oh shit she is going to sing acapella and selflessly jumped on stage to spare us all.

This was something we did in the heyday of the Atari 2600. We would pick a set number of games from a bag usually 3 or 4 and we left out storytitles like raider of the lost ark and ET. Each of us had to play those games in the order drawn going for best time and overall score. Which is a diabolical challenge because

You know how when it is cold and nipples get all crab eye and poke out and there is no way to control it? It is like that but often with no obvious cause.

So were the rights to the Interview and Queen not still tied up with the other two movies? Had Warner Brothers let them lapse?

Oh shit I thought you were serious!

I think they may have intended this as a parody of those.