Stuff like this is why I love you, Ellie.
Stuff like this is why I love you, Ellie.
First up against the wall when the Revolution comes....
In one of the “I Love the 80s”segments, they were interviewing Bonnie Tyler. Somehow Botox came up and she started straight cackling and said something like, “Yeah I get Botox. It’s so easy. I don’t care!” And I love her for it. If I’m a 50-something badass bitch and a shot in the forehead keeps me looking the eay I…
botox allows me to live in a state of delusion about my own aging and eventual decline and death just let me HAVE THISSSSSS
Gonna be hard to get internet access at that point. Our new Russian overlords aren’t going to take kindly to the anti-Putin sentiment around here.
Yeah there’s a 50/50 chance I may be a POS.
You got me. I’m not at all tolerant of hateful pieces of shit. Well done Sherlock.
The fact that there are people alive today who haven’t heard of her gives me hope.
Her life was fantastic. She got everything she wanted and reveled in the contempt of normal people. Feeling sorry for her in any way is a mistake. If ever anyone in American politics in the 70s has earned your contempt, it’s her. She should have died in 1982, and maybe given a deathbed apology like Lee Atwater and…
Tomi Lahren is gonna have a busy day tomorrow mining memes to provide her with “fresh” material for her molten hot takes on this.
Like many of the olds (I am 40-something) I blame everything on the Internets.
Who else would you pick to beat Hillary?
“1. Unfrosted blueberry”
Wow, you’re just dedicated to making her abuse her own fault, aren’t you? Like it’s okay to be a drunk, abusive asshole, just as long as you warn people first?
someone please break the news to her wardrobe...
Considering their penchant for young girls, I’m sure the oil was extra virgin.
Actually, Joe, “real America” thinks you’re an unhinged fucknugget.
He joins Tea Parties, sometimes until 4