
Xander is amazing, Nicholas Brendon is a piece of shit though.  

I’m doing some reading on the webz. Sounds like he has had trouble with depression and substance abuse for a long time. And it sounds mean that I don’t want to give him a pass for this translating into abusive behavior, but male celebs always seem to get positive attention for this. Women, on the other hand are just

Skeet Ulrich was being billed as the next Johnny Depp in the late 90s/very early 00s. When being Johnny Depp meant something.

Perhaps it was in 1998?

There is no way in hell Skeet Ulrich can have dinner with the most famous woman in the local Applebee’s, much less the most famous woman on the planet.

My immediate family members said and did a whole lot of awful shit to me when I was a kid so much so we not exactly tight as adults. I don’t want to be.

Or MAYBE it’s because women don’t have the fucking energy to speak out against every atrocity that happens in the vicinity of their career. But yeah, instead of talking about the atrocities that these men have taken part in, we are talking about how the women, victims themselves, aren’t doing enough. Because it’s

Yes malibugoth is the only person qualified to bring attention to this issue. Didn’t you read their blog? The real injustice is that these hypocrites are getting all this credit when malibugoth is the real hero of this story.

This may not be a good time to attack the victims. Just sayin’.

So because they aren’t perfect angels therefore what?

So McGowan and Argento are disqualified from commenting on said matter? Please advise.

Deliberately provocative - and may I add, highly unoriginal - namecalling will get you exactly nowhere, bruh. Especially when it’s Trump-level projection.

You sound JUST LIKE THE WHITE MEN screeching “butbutbut what about false accusations” on the Harvey W-centered pages right now.

Never happen. He is a “recoil leaves hammer mark on forehead” guy if I’ve ever seen one.

sometimes demanding that the people who live there close their garage or clear out of the driveway so that they can take their perfect TV nostalgia shot

Idk who i hate more: you for sharing these or her for posing for these

Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ve hit rock bottom yet. There’s plenty more damage that can be done before we’re free of the Cheeto Benito.

I see it as:

Yeah but Pence...