
It should put the ADAC in a bad light because the marshals were only indicating an off track hazard which doesn’t require much caution and really just restricts passing. They should have been displaying double waved yellows because the truck was obstructing the track...

The dumbest shit I modded my car with was my ex-husband.

I’ve said this over and over again, however, I’ll repeat it. Just because you have photos of the crash site that show deceased people, doesn’t mean you should post them for the whole world to see. It is disrespectful to not only the victims but also their families. I don’t mind posting the crash site, however, please

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

Don’t worry Roger Goodell already added an extra two games to Tom Brady’s suspension over this crash.

That drag racer is certainly a gluten for punishment.

Wow, a sad day indeed for Sex and the City fans. RIP Sarah Jessica Parker.

Every ride, every time.

The backstory to this custom Camaro can be found on Jezebel with the title: “Evil boyfriend causes sweet young lady to get calluses on her hands from hammer”

On the first day, God said “Let there be light”
To which Lucas responded, “I’d not be so sure about that, matey.”

Jeff Bezos is pleased.

Milford. Good old Dan Patrick. I wonder if he actually lives there.

I spent a bunch of time trying to make the GE-38 blisk ECM process more robust. Unfortunately there’s not much to do in that regard when the machine is simply a piece of shit. I did come up with a 3D scanning technique to replicate tooling that had been hand worked, so hopefully that helps repeatability across the

May I ask you why you chose the owl plates for your CR-V instead of one of the other designs?

“They’re back, and they’ve updated their Virus definitions.”