
No, killing Logan is perfect for William's intention of buying the park.

The only purpose of the William/MiB storyline is to push Delores to consciousness by pain, by realizing that her love is NEVER coming back, and that he—the idea of "William"—was just as much of a fantasy as his idea of "Delores Abernathy".

Yep, including killing his brother-in-law-to-be, who turned out to be right.

Arnold killed himself before the parks opened. He wanted to prevent the park opening at all because he believed the robots were sentient and the park would be an endless nightmare slavery. That was 35 years ago.


But those electoral votes are not equal. Electoral votes for AK—population around 750K are 3.5x more powerful than EVs from CA.

Why should voters in AK and WY have 3x the power of voters in CA or FL?

Exactly. Bernard sounds reasonable about losing the memories affecting her ability to be "awake", but there are plenty of human beings who are sentient without going through a child's death.

That's why my husband and I have stayed with Nintendo (after the kids broke the second PS2)

Those of us who lived before cable.

They lost me tonight.

The hosts have a 4 or so day loop so they can be brought in for reconditioning, memory wipes, a hard reset, physical check up, etc. for general maintenance. Death is the typical "off" switch for them, and patching then up doesn't take very long.

Teddy probably isn't killing the village—Delores did and he's going to have to clean up after her. His "Wyatt" cornerstone is actually just a cover up of the Delores cornerstone.

Maeve and Hector and the fire fucking.

It happens all the time. I'm glad you don't apparently tell women to smile much, but believe me, strangers feel perfectly free to intrude on women's spaces and tell them to smile—even if we're wearing headphones and have a book.

I was so disappointed to see Dan show up. I was really happy they got rid of him.

I think they only managed to get the show on TV by convincing Fox it was Castle but supernatural, so they can't sue us for copying it.

I just wish Det. Douche was gone. I was so happy that he went to jail, because he was such a drag.

Sometimes I just set up the hour long version on youtube to fall asleep.

It's the opposite of almost all shows anymore. It's not smash the bad guys! Torture to get info! Rah!