
I so wished she'd been shown to have padded her shirt with a bag of pig's blood and faked her demise so that she'd be free of the Faceless Men.

He knows what Cersei does to her enemies, and calling in her debts is a dangerous move.


He's back in the dungeons, according to Jaime and Walder.

Yes, by this point all the professional soldiers have been killed off. Just like how the Wall is no longer properly manned, these skirmishes from the Mad King forward have decimated the fighting forces…just when the world will need them most.

Cersei's claim is practically reverse primogeniture: she's "inheriting" it from her children. She's lopping the "Dowager" off of her "Queen" title because she has no grandchildren.

At the time, it seemed far-fetched as it was.


It's totally Christianity because it's based, in part, off of actual Puritan colonies.

She was based on Phyllis Schlafley, who would have been in the same position had what she'd fought so hard for come to pass.

Any child of such a union may be destined for lower caste work. Sex is heavily regimented in Gilead, so the husbands wouldn't be able to impregnate without the Handmaid system.

Mike Pence is the VP. Dominionism has done a remarkably good job of making Atwood's premise, which was far-fetched at the time, plausible.

The book does refer to Offred's child again.

This is Mike Pence's America.

Crap. Atwood wasn't involved after she sold the credits, so it's crap.

I don't think Mindy and the Medium Place are real. Mindy was like a perfect version of Eleanor before Chidi. It was a perfect goading to try to get Eleanor back on track—the confession being the unexpected part.

But he said he was keeping his mouth shut like his (public?) attorney told him to.

I was so pissed at John. Especially when he offered to take the baby…but instead of it actually being a kindness, it was so he could continue texting his mistress.

No, she's RoseMARY. Her daughter is Rosamund.

I lost it when Delores started murdering Ford. It seems more like a Delores/Wyatt mix to behave that way, and since we never met Wyatt, much less developed any empathy for him, I lost feelings for Delores because becoming a murdering robot is just such a turn from the rest of her characterization.