

This was an absolutely amazing episode.

Yeah, I became obsessed with her lack of knees. Quite distracting.

Yes, it was. Gunne-Sax dresses and "prairie" shirts were the rage. Those kids looked ridiculously accurate for 1983 Midwestern high school.

Pfah, I was in my 20s for the cartoon. Definitely the right age.

None have hid their gems before, but did they ever have a reason to hide their gems?

I don't see a gem busting out of a bubble. It's a statis field, basically, and the Gem isn't aware of time passing.


I agree with that—poofed gems have consciousness and can use that to reform.

Maybe she thinks of the Rose Quartz who chooses for herself as being born here on Earth vs. one of many Rose Quartzes who do what they were made to do.

It's not odd that they didn't tell Steven about Bismuth.

But if Lion split off from Rose when she had Steven, where was Rose hiding the bubbled Bismuth and her stuff?

My 16 year old son had a baby voice right up until June. I figured he was just going to have a high voice like his dad, when POW it started dropping. One week he'd sound like he had laryngitis, then it would mellow out, then "laryngitis" again, then deeper mellowness. 2 months later, and it's incredibly deep like

She was desperately trying to get back to save the kids. She was concentrating on making sure her body was "normal" and not much else other than speed.

I always wondered what Ron would have been like if Rupert Grint hadn't been cast as "Ron".

WE still have a gamecube. The kids still play Pikmin 1, 2, and Majora's Mask on it. Oh, and Mario Double Dash.

Amethyst stayed in the ground "too long" according to Peridot, and is runty because of it. There might be other differences between our Amethyst and run-of-the-mill Amethysts, partially due to her extraction date.

I think Greg, especially when a young guy, was charismatic and charming. Both he and Rose seem a little shallow at first. Deciding to try a relationship with him was a huge growth step for Rose, and we're seeing her early on.

We're supposed to feel that tension. That's where the complexity comes in. You can care for someone and hate them at the same time. You can long for a relationship while fearing change, even when you know that relationship isn't healthy.

Lapis didn't want to fuse. Jasper says "I've changed. You changed me" in an attempt to continue the relationship. It's extremely manipulative and not honest. Jasper doesn't want a different relationship with Lapis. Jasper wants to continue that relationship—Malachite—preferably being in more control than when