
No. There are no more Barratheon's on the show, so if Tommwn dies without an heir, it'll be Uncle Kevan (because they aren't going to let Cersei rule and they have kept those combined Lannister Barratheon banners up) or a free for all since there's no legitimate heir.

Either have Arya actually be gut stabbed or have it be a fake out. You don't get to have her horrible injured AND running parkour.

Seriously. As I said earlier, I assumed she had a bag of pig's blood under her tunic and let the Waif stab her and then fell into the river.

It was distracting, wasn't it?

I honestly thought she had a bag of pig's blood under her tunic, and was going to be shown pulling it out after she swam away. That way the faceless men/waif get their revenge, and Arya is really free and doesn't have to watch her back quite as closely.

Well…Yellow Diamond did blow up that communication crystal. Maybe she thinks Peridot went with it, so now she's just looking for Jasper.

Margaery appearing in clothes and with her hair should have been a huge tipoff that something had changed.

I don't think the chants worked.

It's a curse in the sense you can't get rid of it.

Honestly! The kids and I keep forgetting it's on until Sunday or even Monday, and then we wonder "Was there a new Adventure Time?" and go check the DVR.

Melisandre hasn't been making the sacrifices. *Stannis* sacrificed his daughter. Melisandre just uses king's blood like an ingredient…

It was confusing. Jaime and Myrcella's coffin rowed ashore from the larger Martell ship.

Except that that's exactly what you should do for a TV show: if actors have chemistry and are fun to watch, you expand their role, changing your adaption.

It has to be parallel universes/different timelines because otherwise they couldn't hope for different outcomes.

That's a time-loop/Back to the Future timeline issue.

It wasn't last minute, but it wasn't there from the beginning.

I was really annoyed that Jin was the one who went to call the Inugami off. Jin, and his family, had nothing to do with it. The Inugami was protecting his WIFE, and her family.

Yes, Russia was mostly sea, Canada had 2 of the Great Lakes, Florida is gone, and half of Africa is still stuck to South America.

I've got kids. Even when you think you've explained hard situations to them, they still twist it around to think it's their fault because they are very self-centered, even if they're nice kids who share.

My kids loved Ruby's expressions and backed the show up many times to laugh at them.