
I'm convinced this show is the most subversive take down of rape culture ever.

When Elliot first talks to/about his therapist,he implies he was *forced* to go see her, but then kept at it because he likes her.

He was trying to weaken the throne more by diminishing the Queen. They've all seen her naked, now, covered in filth and excrement and shorn of her lovely locks.

And she's bleeding by the end, so you wonder if she'll even survive.

They'll make Loras fight the Mountain when Cersei demands trial by combat with Mountainstein as her Champion.

Remember the ONLY thing Cersei was being punished for was her adultery with Lancel. That's the only thing she confessed to, and there's still to be a trial for the other charges.

They made it up as they went along.

I think it's not so much Ned's beheading that was the shock, but Ned as our first protagonist. Those first episodes set you up to believe the Starks are the point of the story, and that Ned is our hero.

Yes, Myrcella telling her dad she knew and she loved him and was glad had me rolling my eyes so much. There was no shock or drama when she died.

I don't understand why that boat didn't turn right around anyway.

It thawed. That makes for icy slush.

I'm convinced Varys shaves his head because it would come in white gold like Dany's.

The 8 year old hated it. The 11 year old said it was strange and she wouldn't really ever want to watch it again.

My 8 year old hated it.

I didn't mind the animation change, in fact, I thought the Ice King was adorable, but the story sucked. The 8 year old didn't like it either.

Death did tell him he only had the one chance to die, and he didn't take it.

All the furniture and junk from outside Jake and Finn's treehouse in the "bury the think cannon" grayble was on Marceline's porch!

At this point, Stannis seems the only logical choice.

Exactly. That's all Sansa has ever heard.

Ned Stark was "king" of North, though he bended knee to his pal Robert. 7 kingdoms, remember?