Subway Justice

This is correct. Pretty sure there is a lot of stuff in this very compelling Times article that may have served as inspiration, even if they aren’t allowed to say that.  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/rupert-murdoch-fox-news-trump.html

This show is good, much better than I expected. The cast is great across the board, and it's laugh out loud funny. A-.

There’s a chapter in Big Game: The NFL in Dangerous Times (which I enjoyed a lot) that explains this accident in pretty entertaining fashion. The gist of it, if I recall correctly, is that there were two competing LA stadium proposals, one involving the Chargers and one involving the Rams. The Spanos one was a heavy

I would tend to agree, it’s just a matter of common courtesy. I’ve seen several of these takes now, and I think it’s just one of those internet reactions to the worst people complaining about a thing. Most people don’t want things spoiled. It’s not that hard to respect that. 

Yeah , I really don’t understand the impulse to be like that, it’s one of the weirdest kinds of self righteousness. I love my dog and dogs in general to a degree that is probably not healthy, and actual animal cruelty makes me absolutely furious and sick to my stomach, but this bizarre nitpicky shit that always crops

I know you can’t give them out or you get in trouble or whatever, but if this didn’t deserve the rare A+ I don’t know what does.

Ha yeah I googled him too, then realized I had already done that when he was featured in a previous version of Dead Letters.

Huh. Of all of the reasons to kill myself, I never thought to include “I enjoy listening to podcasts.”

But what about how on the third down converted via penalty he got tackled at the knees and got up limping like he re-aggravated the injury? Then on the next play he had a huge hole and ran up the middle to the other side of the field. That was either the old Rodgers magic or some amazing gamesmanship.

Whatever, it was the right call. You’re just mad you were held to only 17 yards rushing tonight.

Yeah, this article is like real fucking bad. Boy do I hate the “also, other things are bad too!” response to a situation, and I can’t think of a worse time for this kind of take.

He was being facetious, but I don’t want all of your sincere anger and passion to be wasted. I hope others will join me in copying and pasting your comment at very bad internet strangers on worse websites than this whose genuinely held bad opinions need to be shouted down.

This one reminds me of Bill Burr’s bit about when everyone lost it over Paula Deen and the Duck Dynasty guy: “What did you think they thought!?”

Hm, having a hard time understanding what you’re talking about because I am a fucking idiot, but this seems like a good place to say that I didn’t like the parts of the show where I couldn’t tell when the things were happening.

Right. Which seems crazy to me? I mean I’m not really a soccer knower or anything, and I am in general agreement that in team sports you ought to hate the rival of the team that you root for, and never root for them, but it strikes me as weird to translate that when the team is actually a country. I like other

I agree. The story above falsely reports that Piers Morgan is double stupid when he is, in fact, triple stupid.

Phew, thanks for posting this. I was becoming upset, I thought this would be the first comment, thought I was going crazy.

Reminds me of the time that I ordered different drinks at the same bar because of Lorde

Super embarrassing how after all that he forgot to leave a name and number so you can get back to him.

Getting schwifty is not a crime.